Sitemap - 2023 - A Plague on Both Houses


The Vaccine Reveal Goes On…and on…and on

Yay Freedom!

Simon Elmer is Now Fighting Woke With His Own Noxious Brand of Identity Politics – Part II: Britain Under the Yoke of Ethnic Neo-colonialism

Simon Elmer is Now Fighting Woke With His Own Noxious Brand of Identity Politics – Part I: Consequences of the Decrease in British Whiteness

Unravelling the knots in your mind...

Politicians Worldwide Can No Longer Claim Ignorance of the WHO Power Grab

Simon Elmer on the Betrayal by Freedom Movement Spokespersons in Response to the Gaza Genocide

UNConventional Grey

Following the Money Behind Gaza’s Ethnic Cleansing

The Daily Sceptic’s AI Bot Says CBDCs Will Set You Free!

This is a moment of great moral clarity

If You Aren’t Supporting an Immediate Ceasefire in Gaza, You’re Accelerating the Global Totalitarian Agenda

The Palestinian-Israeli Conflict and the Battle for Context

Geoengineering – Part II: Terrorism, The Insane Society and The System

Independent Alliance Launches

Geoengineering – Part I: The Real Monster of Man-made Climate Change

Jonathan Cook’s “Rebuttal” of My Rebuttal

A Rebuttal of Jonathan Cook’s Climate Alarmism

Hiroshima, Nagasaki Bombings Were Needless, Said World War II's Top US Military Leaders

Who’s Afraid of the Big Bad Immigrant? – Part III: Christian Soldiers with Planks in Their Eyes

A Reader’s Comment on Who’s Afraid of the Big Bad Immigrant? – Part I

Who’s Afraid of the Big Bad Immigrant? – Part II: Deporting the Deplorables and Western Civilisational Collapse

Who’s Afraid of the Big Bad Immigrant? – Part I: Scene Setting, Good and Bad Immigration

RFK Jnr Doubles Down on Oath of Allegiance to Israel

In Praise of Dangerous Freedom

Putin’s Wagner Moment and the Need for a New International Relations Paradigm – Part II

Putin’s Wagner Moment and the Need for a New International Relations Paradigm – Part I

RFK Jnr Gets a Jolt on the Third Rail

Digital Privacy – Why it Matters and What to Do

Digital Privacy – Why it Matters and What to Do

Welcome to A Plague On Both Houses on Substack!

The Bank of England’s CBDC ‘Consultation’ – Why and How to Respond

Template Response to the Bank of England’s Digital Pound Consultation

Global Financial Crisis 2.0 is Being Used to Consolidate the Banks in Preparation for CBDCs – More Proof from the FRB Collapse

Don’t Abandon Hope, But Keep a Hopium Tracker

Another Right-wing Conspiracy Theory; or, How the Left Was Won Over. By Simon Elmer

The Banking Collapse Has Begun…Shush, Don’t Tell the Kids

WHO’s International Health Regulations – A Totalitarian Charter for the Planet

Were We Hypnotised by Desmet? – Part III: Critiquing the Critics

Were We Hypnotised by Desmet? – Part II: The Work of Woke, New Diagnosis and New Prognosis.

Were We Hypnotised by Desmet? – Part I: Where Does His Argument Fall Apart?