I've subscribed for free, but it's only fair to warn you ⚠️


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Thanks Paul. Enjoyed watching that interview. I've come to Substack eyes wide open. I think it's almost inevitable that it will start censoring like all the other mainstream outlets. A huge proportion of dissident voices have effectively been corralled into one pen and that makes us an easy target to eliminate. I'm still keeping my other site up and running but everything and anyone can be targeted under the new legislation they want to pass. The splinternet had better arrive before that happens! Just bought your Falklands war book and looking forward to that. Maybe we'll do a video on that over the summer?

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Hi Rusere. Yes, I'd love to do that! It will be interesting to watch these things as they pan out. Maybe if one mega media concern breaks ranks and starts treating its subscribers with dignity, others will follow and it might become fashionable. I hope so. Enjoy the book. Thank you!

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