Excellent as always, and darnit I'm going to have to find time to watch that film now!

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Another rollicking great read. And as always, my trusty quote-hound did not come back empty mouthed...

“The essence of the plantation hierarchy is that it selects for psychopathy.”

“Plantation hierarchies have evolved over time, but in more recent history we seem to have moved from a hierarchy based on the divine right of Kings to one based on the divine right of Governments.”

“Parliament is the name of its church, and this is where the freedom of humans is transubstantiated into slavery.”

“However, any doubts they had were put to rest by the best feature of all – the free slaves could now vote in elections every four or five years for new plantation management.”

“By every definition of the word “terrorist”, the UK plantation management has become a terrorist entity.”

“After 222 years of broken promises and lies, and after 58 general elections, this petition has a stick of dynamite in it. The free slaves are asking for…drum roll…another general election!”

(Smith) “Keep giving them an ounce of hope and a pound of fear.”

(Smith) “They’ll take the comfortable lie over the uncomfortable truth. Every time”

“I argued strenuously for an uncomfortable truth, and I was gobsmacked at how the most brazen crimes by plantation management are steadfastly passed off as mere incompetence.” — Stockholm syndrome, most indubitably.

From https://redpillpoems.substack.com/p/the-best-slaves-by-far … a poem about much of what is in this piece:

“believing they're free the best slaves by far

are always the ones who don't know they are

slaves who by lavishing frank praise

upon those they fail to perceive as their masters

evince utter ignorance of their virtual captivity

enamoured as they are of their mesmerizing captors.”

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I remember your excellent poem - best slaves by far - and looking back on it again, I think that a citation of your poem in my piece might be in order!

"believing they're free the best slaves by far

are always the ones who don't know they are"

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Almost-self-evident, axiomatic truth ... makes a fine couplet.

Fun fact: with regards to "some wise guy who wrote a few plays in 17th century England", I did a quick count and the play score was so close you could call it a draw. The 16th century scored 18, while the 17th scored 17, and 3 were straddlers (listed as 1599-1600).

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I did think about the straddling issue but decided to go with 17th. I'm sure you'll appreciate that it would have been a bit clunky to say 16th and 17th!

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Absolutely clunky!

You handled it the only way it could have been handled if centuries were to be mentioned. Either would have worked. I was just struck by how balanced the straddle was.

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Those who can’t hear the handcuffs click, the doors lock as they approach, or shrinking access to resources are the same people who think the economy is fine because there are 50 flavors of yogurt at the grocery and protective and loyal towards the experts who let them know how to vote. How did so many of them survive to breed more? Are they missing a gene? Have generations of dissident contrarians been misguided to warn and save them? How can I unite my scattered tribe to just sit on a hill and watch from a safe distance?

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This is so good I kept it in my email and just re- read it. Amazing analogy.

I can’t help but feel the Trump show has something to do with pacifying the free slaves. There are so many dazzling spectacles related to him.

Elon Musk seems to literally almost hypnotize people who would otherwise be about to shed their chains. But he is starting to seem like another Bill Gates to me. Something off. He has too many ideas about how to modify and control people, even render them obsolete. His little X project may just be an ulterior motive to flush out the dissidents.

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Glad it struck a chord! Whenever you start to think that Musk might be ok, just remember he's the guy who wants to put a chip in your head. That visa spat he had with Bannon will likely create a serious problem for him and his fellow technocrat pals posing as MAGA fans. He clearly (and mistakenly) showed his hand there so let's see if the Trump show starts to hit the rocks.

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