As of 29 November, nearly 2.9 million UK slaves have petitioned their plantation managers for a change in plantation management. “We never signed up for this!”, they protest, after the 58th general election in UK history, spanning 222 years of shattered dreams on the Broken Promises Plantation.
Why would slaves have the audacity to make demands of their plantation managers? That’s not how slavery works! Well, they’re making demands because they’re free slaves – slaves who aren’t free but think they are. They are the most ignorant type of slave, and they’re the slaves that plantation owners pay a premium to get.
Are the plantation managers and owners concerned that the slaves are restless after only five months of being under new management? Let’s try to answer that question.
Hierarchy and the plantation
Yes, we’re living on a plantation. But we wouldn’t be if we could somehow figure out how to make humans love hierarchy less. Hierarchy is an innate feature of human social and economic systems. It seems unavoidable. Perhaps we’re hierarchically conditioned because we’re born into a hierarchy called the family. We continue to seek solace in hierarchy, swapping family power structures for those embedded in workplaces and government. Most humans loathe the risk and responsibility that comes with thinking for themselves and, crucially, acting independently on one’s own convictions. The thought police will encounter the least resistance in societies that hate thinking.
But a few of us do eventually cut the umbilical cord with hierarchies and reject them in principle, even if we have to begrudgingly navigate them in practice. We accept that we are in The System, but not of it. I don’t know why only a few of us grow out of it. You can’t discuss this with someone who sucks on the teat of hierarchy – it’s like discussing alcoholism with an alcoholic who hasn’t yet admitted they’ve got a drink problem. “What? Me? Drinking too much?” they say, after necking their seventh double vodka. Even when you discuss it with fellow hierarchy-phobes, each has a completely different answer as to why they despise hierarchies. It may just be one of life’s eternal mysteries, like consciousness, the meaning of life, quantum physics, and what really happened to Michael Mosley. Some riddles aren’t meant to be solved, but only discussed in coffee shops and pubs with an air of self-assurance that masks total ignorance.
At any rate, a small group of people on the psychopath spectrum see hierarchies as vehicles for exploitation. The essence of the plantation hierarchy is that it selects for psychopathy. Less empathy correlates with a greater inclination towards exploitation of others, which in turn tends to favour the plantation owner and manager mindset. That is their ‘strength’, and it is no coincidence that they are the ones in charge.
Humans have been living on a plantation ever since we started farming. Building up a food supply for a village or city to last longer than a year meant that someone had to be put in charge of administering the surplus. That’s how it all began, and now we’re a planet of eight billion Vogons living in a simulation of Kafka’s trial. Plantation hierarchies have evolved over time, but in more recent history we seem to have moved from a hierarchy based on the divine right of Kings to one based on the divine right of Governments. And oddly, very oddly, this latest iteration of plantation is called liberal democracy. Parliament is the name of its church, and this is where the freedom of humans is transubstantiated into slavery. It happens after a ritual called democratic elections – a ritual that makes slaves believe they are not only free, but actually ‘in charge’.
Liberal democracy – ‘free’ at last
Liberal democracy is a most excellent trick indeed – a two-worded hierarchy with not just one free-sounding word in it, but two. Things don’t get any freer than that. What follows is a description of the trick, rooted in an allegorical portrayal of it in the 2023 movie Jones Plantation with a few of my own embellishments here and there.
At the inception of the liberal democracy plantation system, the plantation owners insisted that they had sold their plantations and, out of the kindness of their hearts, they had freed the slaves. However, if you were inclined to doubt the sincerity of these owners by wondering if real freedom might entail leaving the particular plantation you were born on, you’d be in for a rude awakening. The ‘free’ West is one giant complex of plantations run as a cooperative venture by a tightly knit club of plantation owners.
Although the slaves had been ‘freed’, they had to understand that plantations are complicated businesses. Expert managerial teams are needed to take care of matters that the average slave couldn’t possibly get to grips with. Things like Money, Law, Science, Innovation, Culture, Media, Climate, Health, not to mention the never-ending threat of wars with other plantations in Russia, Iran…everywhere. Why, even aliens from plantations in outer space are a potential threat. The management of fear and threats is in fact a primary function of plantation management, and the competent management of those threats allows the newly freed slaves to get on with the fun job of picking cotton.
Now, I can see how a few cynics in the audience might deduce that if a big chunk of plantation management is about managing threats, the managers might be incentivised to manufacture fear and threats to justify their existence. The plantation managers would describe this cynical train of thought as divisive, anti-democratic, unscientific and possibly even far right. This thinking feeds domestic terrorism, and there are very strict rules about that.
So, the ‘old’ plantation owners would remain in situ, but they were now at the service of the freed slaves. The owners morphed into plantation management teams. The slaves still had to pick cotton, but now they could pick as much cotton as they wanted, or as little as they wanted. Money replaced the whip as the incentive to pick cotton. But the less they picked, the less they got paid.
Try as they might, they couldn’t get rich and retire to the big house and do nothing all day like the plantation owner. There was always something to keep them poor. The plantation owners’ total control of the money supply was one of those things. But the bad old days of getting regularly beaten were over. They were free at last! But they couldn’t get rid of that gnawing feeling that not much had really changed.
However, any doubts they had were put to rest by the best feature of all – the free slaves could now vote in elections every four or five years for new plantation management. If one plantation management team was incompetent, all they had to do was elect the other one to fix all the problems.
I won’t tell you how it all ends on the Jones Plantation, but the set-up should sound familiar. Let’s return to the UK plantation and the free slaves’ petition.
Breaking promises – how long has this been going on?
By every definition of the word “terrorist”, the UK plantation management has become a terrorist entity. But most of the free slaves don’t seem able to wrap their minds around this glaringly obvious truth. After all they’re free, and how could free people possibly elect liars, thieves and brigands? That just can’t happen in the liberal democracy plantation system.
The UK plantation management has been breaking promises since 1802. 222 years is an awfully long time to keep breaking promises. Anyone would think promises are meant to be broken, but of course they aren’t! The UK free slaves probably think that breaking promises for 222 years is just a manifestation of incompetence. After 222 years, the problem might be described as intractable.
Having reached the pinnacle of freedom, there is only one course of action left to solve this intractable problem. The free slaves are finally taking matters into their own hands. They aren’t going to storm Parliament, mind you. They’re not talking about getting the police to arrest the plantation managers for all the crimes they’ve committed, for all the lies they’ve told, and for all the money they’ve stolen from the free slaves by various means. No! That would be far too uncivilised. They’re free slaves and only slave slaves would stoop so low.
The solution to this most intractable problem is to sign a petition.
Now granted, the free slaves have sent petitions to their recalcitrant plantation managers before. If anyone can show me a petition that produced a change in plantation management policy, I’d like to hear about it. But this time it’s a serious petition. This time things are going to change. After 222 years of broken promises and lies, and after 58 general elections, this petition has a stick of dynamite in it. The free slaves are asking for…drum roll…another general election! But! But! A much quicker one. Instead of waiting another four years for the next round of lies and broken promises, the free slaves are demanding another election after five months.
The free slaves are now getting very adept at detecting when the government has lied, and accelerating the carousel of liars will most definitely throw them off balance. And with the free slaves boiling with rage, you would of course expect them to use very harsh words in this petition. Well thankfully, because we are on Substack and not on a censored plantation platform that doesn’t tolerate gratuitous rudeness, hate speech, and other undignified assaults on our liberal democracy, I can now reproduce the fiercely worded petition verbatim. If you are playing the audio version of this article, please cover the ears of your children:
“I would like there to be another General Election. I believe the current Labour Government have gone back on the promises they laid out in the lead up to the last election.”
The readers of this blog would be forgiven for laughing until the tears rolled down their cheeks, but the free slaves are quite sure that a politely worded petition, insinuating but not directly accusing the government of lying (that would be churlish) will have the government shaking in its boots.
You see, the free slaves have no idea who they’re dealing with, so you have to forgive them. They know not what they do. They haven’t watched the Jones Plantation movie so they know nothing of the conversations that took place between the plantation owners and the Baal-worshipping occultist who sold them the idea of liberal democracy to replace the previous plantation system of feudalism. What would the free slaves have thought if they had overheard that conversation? Let’s produce a snippet of it here for their benefit. Mr Smith is the Baal-worshipping occultist, and Mr Jones is the owner of Jones Plantation, one of Mr Smith’s clients:
Jones: Well Smith, I admit your plan appears to be working. But what happens when they figure out it’s all one big lie? Then what?
Smith: One lie leads to another. And a thousand more lies. Keep giving them an ounce of hope and a pound of fear. They’ll continue to believe every lie, until they’re dead in the ground…Most people are weak-minded nothings. To wield real power, you must be willing to do what most consider unthinkable.”
Jones: Well Mr Smith, what most people consider to be unthinkable is that men like you even exist.
Smith: That’s our greatest advantage.
How would free slaves react when they are shown proof of the endless lies thrown in their faces, day in and day out, year after year, decade after decade? What would they do if they could see into the hearts of Smith and Jones and find nothing there but dead, black coal?
Mr Smith is certain that it wouldn’t make a difference because, in his words:
“They don’t want truth or freedom. They want to feel safe. They want to know that someone else is in charge, and it’s not them. If they don’t want to be slaves, why do they put up with it? They could overpower me in a heartbeat…You offer them a truth and a freedom that they don’t want. They’ll take the comfortable lie over the uncomfortable truth. Every time.” [emphasis added]
And what’s the most comfortable lie the free slaves parrot to avoid the uncomfortable truth slapping them in the face? Luckily I’ve had this conversation with a free slave very recently, so I can give you an authentic free slave answer – it’s all just incompetence. That’s why the plantation managers get things wrong, and that’s why they cover things up. It’s the sheer embarrassment of being incompetent. They’re trying to avoid blushing. So, the answer is to put them on the naughty step with a polite petition. That’ll concentrate their minds.
Now, call me old-fashioned, but it seems to me that if you treat criminals as incompetent, you’re only encouraging them to improve their skillset. But if you treat criminals as criminals by, say, threatening them with arrest, and then actually following through, you start to tackle criminal behaviour in a productive way.
My take on it sounds, thus far, very negative and offers no solutions. At least the free slaves are registering their dissatisfaction, right? That’s better than bashing away at a keyboard and having a pop at them for signing a petition! Well, 2.9 million disgruntled free slaves is a number we could really work with for direct action. What if 2.9 million people crowdfunded legal action that resulted in the arrest of the PM and some of his cronies for complicity in genocide? There’s plenty of evidence already out there. That’s just one idea. I’m sure we could work on a few others that would actually make a difference rather than electing new plantation management to do what plantation managers have been doing since 1802 – cheat, steal, lie and break promises.
There’s a lot of good speculation about possible nefarious forces behind the petition and ulterior motives at play. It all adds up to this: the free slaves are getting uppity again, so the plantation owners might be trying to get them to choose new management to lubricate the insertion of a very difficult piece of the Great Reset agenda into our lives. It’s worked 58 times previously over the last 222 years. Why change a winning formula?
As I’ve said, I’ve had a very recent conversation with a free slave. I argued strenuously for an uncomfortable truth, and I was gobsmacked at how the most brazen crimes by plantation management are steadfastly passed off as mere incompetence. In fact, the more heinous the crime, the greater the incompetence that must have caused it! More often than not there is little point in trying to use rational arguments to shift someone from an irrational position because you’re simply inviting them to rationalise a position that is rooted in a feeling. So let’s try a different approach. Try asking a free slave you know to watch this really great movie about a slave plantation that isn’t just another slave movie.
It’s a powerful allegory for the plantation called liberal democracy. Send it to your free slave friends in the hope that they might see themselves in it and feel uncomfortable. Theatre is often more effective than rational debate. “The play’s the thing wherein we’ll catch the king”, said some wise guy who wrote a few plays in 17th century England. Let’s try to catch some free slaves.
Many, if not most of us, reading this blog were once free slaves, but we aren’t any more. Something happened to us, and it can happen to others too. In the movie, Samuel is the slave who throws off his mental chains and sees things for what they are. In the final analysis, we don’t fight to free other slaves. Like Samuel in the movie, we fight simply because we ourselves are not slaves. Once the chains are off, you can’t put them back on, and when the slaves are ready, they’ll join us.
If you liked this article, you’ll also like the Jones Plantation movie:
If you enjoy the movie, think about making a donation so Larken Rose can continue to make more movies like this.
Another rollicking great read. And as always, my trusty quote-hound did not come back empty mouthed...
“The essence of the plantation hierarchy is that it selects for psychopathy.”
“Plantation hierarchies have evolved over time, but in more recent history we seem to have moved from a hierarchy based on the divine right of Kings to one based on the divine right of Governments.”
“Parliament is the name of its church, and this is where the freedom of humans is transubstantiated into slavery.”
“However, any doubts they had were put to rest by the best feature of all – the free slaves could now vote in elections every four or five years for new plantation management.”
“By every definition of the word “terrorist”, the UK plantation management has become a terrorist entity.”
“After 222 years of broken promises and lies, and after 58 general elections, this petition has a stick of dynamite in it. The free slaves are asking for…drum roll…another general election!”
(Smith) “Keep giving them an ounce of hope and a pound of fear.”
(Smith) “They’ll take the comfortable lie over the uncomfortable truth. Every time”
“I argued strenuously for an uncomfortable truth, and I was gobsmacked at how the most brazen crimes by plantation management are steadfastly passed off as mere incompetence.” — Stockholm syndrome, most indubitably.
From … a poem about much of what is in this piece:
“believing they're free the best slaves by far
are always the ones who don't know they are
slaves who by lavishing frank praise
upon those they fail to perceive as their masters
evince utter ignorance of their virtual captivity
enamoured as they are of their mesmerizing captors.”
Excellent as always, and darnit I'm going to have to find time to watch that film now!