The problem with people who argue that race/ethnic oppression is more important to oppose than class oppression is this. They fail to grasp that the question is not which type of oppression is more important to oppose, but rather HOW to oppose race/ethnic oppression.
The WAY to oppose race/ethnic oppression is to identify it, condemn it, and ALSO (this is KEY if one wants to enlist the vast majority of people to oppose it) show how its PURPOSE is to divide-and-rule and thereby oppress ALL the have-nots, not only those most obviously targeted by the race/ethnic oppression.
100% agree with you Rusere and you John Spritzler on the way you look at this but I would say that there is a lot of evidence that a Great Replacement is going on and that when people notice it and try to counter it, i.e. by voting for some person or some policy that is supposed to stop it, they are at first vilified, then ignored, and the policy continues apace. That is enough to be suspicious that a replacement is actually deliberate, not just an "economic" necessity.
I have also wondered why these (super rich/elite) Europeans and Americans (probably of euro descent) would want their "homelands" invaded by foreigners but I think I realise that they have homes all over the world and aren't believers in any modern "patriotic" thing any more than you or me, they couldn't care less about their so-called homeland, they probably talk about how "global" they are at their meetings. The difference is we (us lot) don't really have anywhere else to go if the shit hits the fan so to speak.
So do you mean you are suspicious that a group of people ('foreigners') whose skin tone is darker than that of a typical northern European are behind a plot to (completely?) replace the populations of countries with the latter skin tone with themselves?
Or that global leaders, regardless of skin tone, are deliberately replacing the second group with the first?
Why would they do this? Because darker skin tone means you work harder so are more economically productive? Because darker skin tone means you are more manipulable? Because Islamicists really are taking over the world and they assume that anyone with darker skin tone will be a Muslim? Because the Chinese are taking over the world and assume that darker skin tone means a greater alignment with Chinese values? Can you help me out here?
I haven't thought about it in those terms. It's just that the evidence seems to point to mass immigration as a deliberate policy of western governments/their controllers. The constant attacks on less developed countries at least economically and sometimes with military force for trumped-up reasons causes people in those countries to want to leave, naturally, and an official and mainstream-media-forced acceptance of their influx to western countries (regardless of the feelings or wishes of the "electorates" of those countries) means it's happening for reasons undisclosed to the populace. For me it's carrot and stick forced migration/immigration. The reasoning in the western media (for accepting mass immigration) would be something along the lines of ageing or workshy population/economic necessity, or humanitarian reasons depending on flavour but that doesn't fit the facts.
Sorry Helen maybe I haven't answered your point there: I mean that Rusere is right this is a deliberate play by the "controllers" to set people against each other. I don't believe the poor people of whatever colour are doing anything other than reacting as they see fit according to their circumstances.
Let's not let them win. The ultimate problem is the ruling class imposing a system that is not democratic. Good to see good faith debate between us here.
Excellent summary: “If you accept that mass immigration is being used nefariously, then it has to be viewed in the context of a barrage of measures imposed by the ruling class on the native population, of all colours, in the West. The desired effect would be to increase wage competition, stoke social friction, and debilitate the native population, as part of an overall strategy of creating instability within the population, to demoralise and weaken it. Other prongs of this strategy are manufactured pandemics, war, censorship of dissent, and the construction of a technocratic surveillance and control grid, together representing the most concerted attack in modern history by the ruling class on a population that it views as a grave liability and threat to its grip on power and wealth. All in all, it’s a class war being waged by the ruling class on both the working and middle class.”
And this: “The transnational oligarchy’s ambition is global, and its control plan is an all-or-nothing venture.”
File under Sad but True: “I saw a bunch of kids who were wrong about covid and right about Gaza. A large number of people claiming to be part of a freedom movement were put to shame by those students.”
Worth repeating: “In March 2020, we witnessed the terrifying power that a global billionaire class can wield when they unite. The entire planet was placed under house arrest and then made an offer it couldn’t refuse – get injected with poison to qualify for release. It’s going to take a united global working and middle class to counteract it.”
And this: “We are all in the firing line of the Greatest Replacement of all.”
Well written, gave me a laugh or three. Russian defector Anatoliy Golitsyn wrote a book ‘New lies for Old’ in 1979 circa, which predicted the ‘New Russia’ manifestation with over 90% accuracy.
The controllers of consciousness also have a network of minions. Every social strata, every employment. They control organised crime and bikie gangs. They are the agent provocateurs and crisis actors. The police and military are their order followers. Global control is a fait accompli. They are well honed at this game. Order out of chaos. I keep a glimmer of hope, I try to spread awareness of Natural Law, the 7 principles of consciousness. The controllers of consciousness don’t want humanity knowing the Occult science to spirituality.
Thanks! I am about to start a project on Natural Law. I have some material but would be grateful for any tips you can send my way in terms of source material as well as on the 7 principles of consciousness you mentioned.
Here is part 1 of Mark Passio and his Natural Law seminar. 3 Parts ( 8hrs). The activation consciousness. Knowing the Truth is activated. The application of morality to the Truth is much further activated. Knowing the Enemy is critical knowledge. There is not a Christian ministry, A New Age ministry or influencer on the internet who provides this knowledge. Mark Passio is no ordinary whistleblower. He supplemented his 1st hand knowledge with exhaustive research to aggregate the causal factors for the Human condition. He gives us the Enemy’s playbook.
There has been a ubiquitous advertisement on YouTube about an Australian biologist who has discovered the causal factors of the Human condition. The gentleman does not Know the Enemy. I am suspicious of the correspondence of this gentleman and his ‘causal’ declaration and Mark Passio issuing the same notice.The causal factors are imperative to finding the solution and they must include Knowing the Enemy. I will further post you the video that I have had good feedback when I share that Mark makes specifically defying the Enemy. That video does not focus on Natural Law. I have experiential knowledge that supports his information . Mark makes the claim that Natural Law is it. We do not require man’s law and likens man’s law to The Fall from the Garden of Eden. My personal experience of Natural Law is that it has saved my life. I intend to publish.Atheism and Agnosticism are fictions. That is a fact. Will send you the other video in a new message. Thanks for the interest. You are spot on with your opinion of the importance of the Class distinction.
Mark Passio has educated me also. He managed to tie things together for me that I thought were mutually exclusive. Out of confusion, I think I got some understanding thanks to him.
Sorry for absence. Been thru a bereavement.I had a typo in that long post of mine. Defying the enemy should read defining the enemy. Thanks for the comment.Absolutely the same for me.
The UN wants to resettle one billion "migrants" in more advanced countries. Why? I guess one would have to hold a seance and ask David Rockefeller's ghost that question:).
The problem with people who argue that race/ethnic oppression is more important to oppose than class oppression is this. They fail to grasp that the question is not which type of oppression is more important to oppose, but rather HOW to oppose race/ethnic oppression.
The WAY to oppose race/ethnic oppression is to identify it, condemn it, and ALSO (this is KEY if one wants to enlist the vast majority of people to oppose it) show how its PURPOSE is to divide-and-rule and thereby oppress ALL the have-nots, not only those most obviously targeted by the race/ethnic oppression.
I do this regarding Zionist oppression of Palestinians in my article at and it persuades to become anti-Zionists even formerly passionately pro-Israel Jews (who aren't rich).
100% agree with you Rusere and you John Spritzler on the way you look at this but I would say that there is a lot of evidence that a Great Replacement is going on and that when people notice it and try to counter it, i.e. by voting for some person or some policy that is supposed to stop it, they are at first vilified, then ignored, and the policy continues apace. That is enough to be suspicious that a replacement is actually deliberate, not just an "economic" necessity.
I have also wondered why these (super rich/elite) Europeans and Americans (probably of euro descent) would want their "homelands" invaded by foreigners but I think I realise that they have homes all over the world and aren't believers in any modern "patriotic" thing any more than you or me, they couldn't care less about their so-called homeland, they probably talk about how "global" they are at their meetings. The difference is we (us lot) don't really have anywhere else to go if the shit hits the fan so to speak.
So do you mean you are suspicious that a group of people ('foreigners') whose skin tone is darker than that of a typical northern European are behind a plot to (completely?) replace the populations of countries with the latter skin tone with themselves?
Or that global leaders, regardless of skin tone, are deliberately replacing the second group with the first?
Why would they do this? Because darker skin tone means you work harder so are more economically productive? Because darker skin tone means you are more manipulable? Because Islamicists really are taking over the world and they assume that anyone with darker skin tone will be a Muslim? Because the Chinese are taking over the world and assume that darker skin tone means a greater alignment with Chinese values? Can you help me out here?
I haven't thought about it in those terms. It's just that the evidence seems to point to mass immigration as a deliberate policy of western governments/their controllers. The constant attacks on less developed countries at least economically and sometimes with military force for trumped-up reasons causes people in those countries to want to leave, naturally, and an official and mainstream-media-forced acceptance of their influx to western countries (regardless of the feelings or wishes of the "electorates" of those countries) means it's happening for reasons undisclosed to the populace. For me it's carrot and stick forced migration/immigration. The reasoning in the western media (for accepting mass immigration) would be something along the lines of ageing or workshy population/economic necessity, or humanitarian reasons depending on flavour but that doesn't fit the facts.
Sorry Helen maybe I haven't answered your point there: I mean that Rusere is right this is a deliberate play by the "controllers" to set people against each other. I don't believe the poor people of whatever colour are doing anything other than reacting as they see fit according to their circumstances.
Let's not let them win. The ultimate problem is the ruling class imposing a system that is not democratic. Good to see good faith debate between us here.
Excellent summary: “If you accept that mass immigration is being used nefariously, then it has to be viewed in the context of a barrage of measures imposed by the ruling class on the native population, of all colours, in the West. The desired effect would be to increase wage competition, stoke social friction, and debilitate the native population, as part of an overall strategy of creating instability within the population, to demoralise and weaken it. Other prongs of this strategy are manufactured pandemics, war, censorship of dissent, and the construction of a technocratic surveillance and control grid, together representing the most concerted attack in modern history by the ruling class on a population that it views as a grave liability and threat to its grip on power and wealth. All in all, it’s a class war being waged by the ruling class on both the working and middle class.”
And this: “The transnational oligarchy’s ambition is global, and its control plan is an all-or-nothing venture.”
File under Sad but True: “I saw a bunch of kids who were wrong about covid and right about Gaza. A large number of people claiming to be part of a freedom movement were put to shame by those students.”
Worth repeating: “In March 2020, we witnessed the terrifying power that a global billionaire class can wield when they unite. The entire planet was placed under house arrest and then made an offer it couldn’t refuse – get injected with poison to qualify for release. It’s going to take a united global working and middle class to counteract it.”
And this: “We are all in the firing line of the Greatest Replacement of all.”
Thank you.
Well written, gave me a laugh or three. Russian defector Anatoliy Golitsyn wrote a book ‘New lies for Old’ in 1979 circa, which predicted the ‘New Russia’ manifestation with over 90% accuracy.
The controllers of consciousness also have a network of minions. Every social strata, every employment. They control organised crime and bikie gangs. They are the agent provocateurs and crisis actors. The police and military are their order followers. Global control is a fait accompli. They are well honed at this game. Order out of chaos. I keep a glimmer of hope, I try to spread awareness of Natural Law, the 7 principles of consciousness. The controllers of consciousness don’t want humanity knowing the Occult science to spirituality.
Thanks! I am about to start a project on Natural Law. I have some material but would be grateful for any tips you can send my way in terms of source material as well as on the 7 principles of consciousness you mentioned.
Here is part 1 of Mark Passio and his Natural Law seminar. 3 Parts ( 8hrs). The activation consciousness. Knowing the Truth is activated. The application of morality to the Truth is much further activated. Knowing the Enemy is critical knowledge. There is not a Christian ministry, A New Age ministry or influencer on the internet who provides this knowledge. Mark Passio is no ordinary whistleblower. He supplemented his 1st hand knowledge with exhaustive research to aggregate the causal factors for the Human condition. He gives us the Enemy’s playbook.
There has been a ubiquitous advertisement on YouTube about an Australian biologist who has discovered the causal factors of the Human condition. The gentleman does not Know the Enemy. I am suspicious of the correspondence of this gentleman and his ‘causal’ declaration and Mark Passio issuing the same notice.The causal factors are imperative to finding the solution and they must include Knowing the Enemy. I will further post you the video that I have had good feedback when I share that Mark makes specifically defying the Enemy. That video does not focus on Natural Law. I have experiential knowledge that supports his information . Mark makes the claim that Natural Law is it. We do not require man’s law and likens man’s law to The Fall from the Garden of Eden. My personal experience of Natural Law is that it has saved my life. I intend to publish.Atheism and Agnosticism are fictions. That is a fact. Will send you the other video in a new message. Thanks for the interest. You are spot on with your opinion of the importance of the Class distinction.
Mark Passio has educated me also. He managed to tie things together for me that I thought were mutually exclusive. Out of confusion, I think I got some understanding thanks to him.
Sorry for absence. Been thru a bereavement.I had a typo in that long post of mine. Defying the enemy should read defining the enemy. Thanks for the comment.Absolutely the same for me.
Here is the Video that helps give a clearer definition
Here it is, but start at 15 mins. He does ‘housekeeping’
Huge thanks!
It’s fascinating that ultimately the elites are just worried about losing their heads ala French Revolution style. Hence divide and conquer
The French "Revolution" was probably just another Rothschilds project.
The UN wants to resettle one billion "migrants" in more advanced countries. Why? I guess one would have to hold a seance and ask David Rockefeller's ghost that question:).
They're here and more are arriving.