“What are the economic policies being pushed while people are being divided? Because that’s really the agenda…If we don’t defend … the freedoms of all human beings, we could see within 20 or 30 years a level of disposability built into the structures that humanity will not be able to respond to. So this is the time to make oneness and interconnectedness…the political project of our times.” – Vandana Shiva.
The heart of the matter is only hinted at in Henderson’s fleeting words about class. Unfortunately, he chooses to reject a more detailed line of enquiry that pursues class, in favour of the strawmen he put up:
“We conspiracy realists want to keep framing everything in terms of class – ruling class and ruled class: class conflicts of interest are real, but so too are ethnic and racial conflicts of interest, and religious conflicts of interest.”
Here’s how I would paraphrase what he said: “Forget about the big picture. Forget about solidarity between all the proles. Let’s give the bastards running this shit-show a bit of a break, and start focusing on some of the juicy divide-and-rule distractions they throw at us…because religious and racial conflict is where it’s at!”
Here I see someone who, by his own account, spent his life trying to lift himself above base instincts manifested in identity-based animosities and, after a bit of a rollercoaster ride, came to the conclusion that this really is the level at which we need to solve problems. He has not tried to look at these problems as illnesses to fix, or avoid falling victim to. He sees them as something to rally behind, and to immerse himself in. To relish even. What he really seems to be saying is: identity-based conflict is inescapable and, that being the case, one may as well plan to win, or at least survive. I see a man who, convinced that he has finally come to his senses, has lost them.
And then of course there is the spectacular missing of the point in dismissing who the enemy really is.
A problem has been presented to replacementers. If enough people living in affected communities feel that something is being imposed on them, the question to address is: why are people living in so-called democracies being forced to tolerate undemocratic policies? Great Replacement theorising is downstream of that fundamental question. If something is part of a harmful agenda, the reason for resisting it is the same reason you should oppose all the other aspects of the shit-show – they are forcing a harmful agenda. Henderson does actually understand this at some level, but it’s more satisfying to the replacement mindset to wallow in identity-based conflict.
If you accept that mass immigration is being used nefariously, then it has to be viewed in the context of a barrage of measures imposed by the ruling class on the native population, of all colours, in the West. The desired effect would be to increase wage competition, stoke social friction, and debilitate the native population, as part of an overall strategy of creating instability within the population, to demoralise and weaken it. Other prongs of this strategy are manufactured pandemics, war, censorship of dissent, and the construction of a technocratic surveillance and control grid, together representing the most concerted attack in modern history by the ruling class on a population that it views as a grave liability and threat to its grip on power and wealth. All in all, it’s a class war being waged by the ruling class on both the working and middle class.
As John Spritzler highlights in his piece titled Owner’s Manual for a Billionaire, the aim of the billionaire ruling class in creating mass migration is to divide the people against each other by stigmatizing immigrants as "the enemy" in the eyes of the native population. The added bonus of mass migration for the billionaire class is to provide it with a cheap compliant labour force that fears deportation. Feeling isolated from public support will make them afraid to fight their employers for better pay and work conditions.
Framing mass migration as a Great Replacement requiring the response of “sticking up for Whites” is a choice guaranteed to increase animosity and decrease effective energy put into solving the problem. When I say effective energy, I’m talking about energy directed at the real culprits – the ruling class. It creates new problems for the controllers to capitalise on. Not only that, but the kind of energy that replacementers are stirring up is energy directed at kicking immigrants. Bastards Inc would much rather see the only group of people awake to their nonsense kicking immigrants than kicking Bastards Inc. ‘They’ are howling with laughter.
I’m also not convinced that defending whiteness is an effective rallying cry. I suspect that a growing number of people of all colours are becoming less emotionally invested in skin colour. This is obviously a positive spiritual development. As a freedom-loving pal, who happens to be white, says: we are travellers here for a time, and your physical appearance is your space suit. Nothing more. Ethnicity is a consciousness test: the more meaning you attach to it, the more you fail the test. Sadly, even if more people are passing the test, as long as there is a significant number of people who equate ethnic difference with Stranger Danger, there will be a divide for Bastards Inc. to exploit.
To appreciate the dubiousness of framing the issue as a defence of whiteness, we can examine how struggles by non-white indigenous people against colonisation were won. They were won on the rhetoric of a fair society for all, in which skin colour had no role in determining a person’s rights and opportunities. The struggle against apartheid in South Africa was not won because Nelson Mandela preached sticking up for Blacks. It was won because he and his colleagues convinced enough people all over the world that apartheid was a stain on everyone. An emotional and moral common denominator was established – fairness.
Nor will the struggle against Zionism be won solely on the basis of sticking up for Palestinians. It will be won by the continued exposure of Israel as the apartheid abomination that it is.
When thinking about solidarity, I often imagine how much more difficult it would have been for the Establishment to back the wars that are advancing their agendas if the cowards at TCW and Daily Sceptic had taken an unequivocal anti-war position on Ukraine and Gaza. Imagine if you dare to, standing shoulder to shoulder with Normies, most of whom on the left vociferously opposed the Gaza genocide. Some writers in the Freedom movement looked at the US anti-genocide student protests in the US and, perhaps traumatised by the covid psyop, could only see masks. I saw a bunch of kids who were wrong about covid and right about Gaza. A large number of people claiming to be part of a freedom movement were put to shame by those students.
I also wonder what proportion of those identifying as part of a group in the West fearing replacement are indifferent to Palestinians being replaced. Solidarity is not a Commie slogan. Solidarity is how you win a global struggle for freedom.
Aside from failing to tap into any common denominators, Great Replacement narratives reflexively undermine other groups with strawman attacks, failing to see that we are all in the crosshairs of global transnational plutocrats setting us against each other in a global class war. As Dane Wigington says, there is only one boat and we are all in it. The transnational oligarchy’s ambition is global, and its control plan is an all-or-nothing venture. Their calculus is that it works either everywhere or nowhere on the basis that if their planned prison system breaks down in one part of the world, that breakdown will leak out to the rest of the world. From John Spritzler’s piece, Owner’s Manual for a Billionaire:
“When they [the people] create relations of solidarity with each other, and decide to help rather than compete against each other, it means you [the ruling billionaire class] are in trouble. Even when they do this on a small scale merely in their own little corners of the world out of the sight of others it is a threat to you that you ignore at your own grave risk. What starts on a small scale can erupt in a moment's notice on a large scale, and then it is too late and you are doomed. When the people become confident and hopeful enough to start talking about revolution, it means you are facing disaster. Never forget: the people are your enemy and you must control them!” [emphasis added]
In March 2020, we witnessed the terrifying power that a global billionaire class can wield when they unite. The entire planet was placed under house arrest and then made an offer it couldn’t refuse – get injected with poison to qualify for release. It’s going to take a united global working and middle class to counteract it. As I said in the introduction to this series, I’m not interested in asking people to abandon their acceptance of a Great Replacement if it means something to them. I personally find it hard to believe that a predominantly white billionaire ruling class would want to make themselves a minority in their own backyard. I’ll repeat my position on a Great Replacement: I think it’s possible, but highly improbable. I’m asking people to consider reframing the rhetoric about it in a way that lets the billionaire class see that you are smarter than them; that you see the game for what it is and not the way they want you to see it.
While on the subject of a united global billionaire class, if anyone still thinks that Putin is a secret global white-hat doing his darnedest to save you from the dastardly US-NATO plutocracy, think again. He is probably one of them. As in, he’s probably a member of the global billionaire class.
Bottom line: I’m still waiting for someone with the ability to think coherently to explain why Great Replacement rhetoric should be front and centre, or even somewhere in the middle, of a global fight against a global ruling class doing its level best to roll out a planetary control matrix. The plan of the 1% is to make the 99% disposable. We are all in the firing line of the Greatest Replacement of all.
The problem with people who argue that race/ethnic oppression is more important to oppose than class oppression is this. They fail to grasp that the question is not which type of oppression is more important to oppose, but rather HOW to oppose race/ethnic oppression.
The WAY to oppose race/ethnic oppression is to identify it, condemn it, and ALSO (this is KEY if one wants to enlist the vast majority of people to oppose it) show how its PURPOSE is to divide-and-rule and thereby oppress ALL the have-nots, not only those most obviously targeted by the race/ethnic oppression.
I do this regarding Zionist oppression of Palestinians in my article at https://www.pdrboston.org/israel-s-government-attacks-jews-to and it persuades to become anti-Zionists even formerly passionately pro-Israel Jews (who aren't rich).
Excellent summary: “If you accept that mass immigration is being used nefariously, then it has to be viewed in the context of a barrage of measures imposed by the ruling class on the native population, of all colours, in the West. The desired effect would be to increase wage competition, stoke social friction, and debilitate the native population, as part of an overall strategy of creating instability within the population, to demoralise and weaken it. Other prongs of this strategy are manufactured pandemics, war, censorship of dissent, and the construction of a technocratic surveillance and control grid, together representing the most concerted attack in modern history by the ruling class on a population that it views as a grave liability and threat to its grip on power and wealth. All in all, it’s a class war being waged by the ruling class on both the working and middle class.”
And this: “The transnational oligarchy’s ambition is global, and its control plan is an all-or-nothing venture.”
File under Sad but True: “I saw a bunch of kids who were wrong about covid and right about Gaza. A large number of people claiming to be part of a freedom movement were put to shame by those students.”
Worth repeating: “In March 2020, we witnessed the terrifying power that a global billionaire class can wield when they unite. The entire planet was placed under house arrest and then made an offer it couldn’t refuse – get injected with poison to qualify for release. It’s going to take a united global working and middle class to counteract it.”
And this: “We are all in the firing line of the Greatest Replacement of all.”