I will share this bulletin with everyone in our local chapter of the RLF action committee (Real Liberation Front). Thank you, comrade!

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Excellent, thanks Cde!

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Great article, Rusere! Keep it up! You’re one of the best Truth Tellers on Substack!

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Thanks Tom!

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Having been an anti-authoritarian RLF member since rattling the bars of my crib, I find real comfort in these words. It’s hard to rail against shadows and confetti.

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The media magical mystery tour is frankly getting a tad dull now. I can’t even focus anymore. When Zelensky and the orange one did their little ballet I didn’t even have the sound up. I didn’t even want to know the news. Well the news isn’t the news anyway. And hasn’t been for quite some time now. The covid carnival was the big giveaway. But its effect, i.e. to make me realise we had now entered Wonderland, was to make me wonder how long we had already been in Wonderland.

So Mila’s question, “So, what’s your take on it – thrilled, chilled, or ready to riot about it?” strikes me as pathetically deluded. Does she really think anyone is following this?

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Totally get what you mean when you describe what I might paraphrase as media fatigue. Which doesn't quite do justice to what you described, but will do for the sake of this exchange.

However, in answer to the question: "Does she think anyone is following this?", I can say from very reliable first and second hand experience, 'liberals' are having a meltdown over everything Trump says and does. And equally amusing are those who I would have regarded as conscious to all this nonsense, actually thinking that Trump is a positive force.

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What a fantastic article! You had me in stitches, which is difficult these days with all the BS going down. I thank you for the laughter that has now brightened my day.

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Thank you very much. And, yes, we mustn't let the bastards grind us down. It's not always possible, but we must laugh when we can.

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The Ukraine war never made sense. They're saying they're running out of men but go on social media and there's plenty of young men still in Ukraine. It's all frakking bullshit.


Oh and remember the pipelines? That was also bullshit. One wasn't destroyed.. But they didn't use it because?????

Also they didn't repair the other 3 which they said could be done in months???

What's the point anyway when the sanctions stopped Europe buying from Russia? Oh wait, Russia was still able to sell gas that they paid Ukraine to transit... Their own enemy!?!

Frakking Orwellian bullshit.


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Agree with everything you say, except the bit where you claim that I said they're running out of men. Don't think I said that. I said there's no reliable estimates of casualties, which is why I didn't say they're running out of men. I don't know if they're running out of men or not, but I'm willing to entertain the notion that there are plenty of men available for the meat grinder. However, I don't think it's relevant to the overall arguments both you and I make. Is it?

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Oh sorry, I corrected it now.

"They're saying it...." They being the alt media in general that are covering the war. Videos of guys getting put into vans. A video of the old soldiers getting sung to. Supposedly 10:1 ratio of Ukraine: Russian loses.

I think it's relevant to the point that a lot of what we know about the war is spoon fed to us. This helps make the case of the first link, that the war is similar to what the movie "Wag the Dog" had.

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Yep totally agree.

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It IS hilarious, isn't it?

But then we see all the DEATH.

So... I've been seeing truthiness for five years. I wanna see some PUBLIC ACTION (not auction). And I suspect that the public action will not be on Substack. We are far too sedentary.

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Here's something everyone needs to know... About an hour. The attack on the Pineal Gland.


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Well stated. I doubt, if the death cult-in-charge (at least in pretense) presently continues unabated, the average lifespan of most of the world's population will be significantly diminished in short order. Those who remain and continue to accept, support & endorse the psychopathic activities of those titled and already co-opted (in the employ of the hidden hand), will be (to quote from an old Star Trek episode) "absorbed". Not just psychologically, which is already far advanced and widespread, but via the biodigital convergence that is in process now and will ensure the completion of the panopticon and the moderation of all things via some monstrous AI being refined and prepared even now. The physical, psychological, emotional and mental realms having been successfully penetrated, subsumed and aligned with the ongoing theater/mythology-in-process, the only real remaining front for the battle to accomplish measurable progress and ultimately succeed is the spiritual one. Not the myths and rituals, the orgy of buildings, programs, costume-clad clowns dispensing and mumbling gibberish -- but the truth of who we are, and the purpose for which we were planted here -- the ultimate objective that has been met (and the One who came and personally accomplished it, and is offering it to those who seek Him), just not manifested in its entirety (yet) and the opportunities before us to embrace that truth, reality and realizable future rushing at us into the present with a ferocity that most, whose spiritual apparatus has been deactivated, numbed or subdued and corrupted, reoriented to the dark side and made an active part of the grand, multi-faceted, highly engaging and mesmerizing deception that has engulfed the world and parades itself openly, strutting for suitors and sycophants to perpetuate its lies until it has swallowed whole the sympathetic, bamboozled populous, drawing strength, energy and power from them -- have failed to notice or have any functioning faculty to discern -- that glorious truth that this world is not our home or final destination, that we will not participate further in the "unfruitful deeds of darkness" the eradication of the organic and the replacement of it with the synthetic, the substitution of the virtual for the lived reality of our existence, the enslavement of the mind and the abdication of soul and body to a global nanny state seeking only, in leech-like fashion, to mine the human consciousness and suck all bioenergy from it to increase its power and the absolute tight-fisted reign it lusts for with all that it has and is consuming from among us and those unfortunates targeted and earmarked for destruction and permanent indentured devotion to the transhumanist underworld parading as leaders and power bureaucrats, their puppet strings concealed temporarily while the show continues and the distraction prevails.

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