Comrades of the Real Liberation Front (RLF)! No doubt the intensification of the enemy’s propaganda onslaught will not have escaped your perspicacious analysis. However, you may not have fully appreciated a new dimension to these attacks, which, if not forcefully countered, will have dire consequences for our prospects of victory. Allow me to explain.
Recognising that we recognise the sheer ludicrousness of all facets of their agenda for world domination, ‘they’ are weaponising their own ludicrousness by using it as a force multiplier. This tactic will compel us in short order to expend all our vocabulary on the first volley of ludicrousness, leaving us with no words to describe, and therefore counter, the ludicrousness of their double-down ludicrousness.
I know; it’s complicated. Let me be clearer.
There is a finite number of times one can describe something or someone as ludicrous, ridiculous, outrageous, dystopian, Orwellian, Kafkaesque, brave-new-worldish, sinister, satanic, demonic, vicious, venal, evil, degenerate, mind-boggling… and still elicit an emotional response from our target audience. And after five years of the most audacious ludicrousness, we are now approaching that finite number. Once we reach peak ludicrousness, and I fear that moment is fast approaching, these words will have been drained of their meaning, at which point they will only elicit indifference. And since the appreciation of real meaning is underpinned by emotion, our fate will be sealed.
That words can be drained of meaning through repetition is easy to verify. Say your name out loud repeatedly for a minute, pausing only for necessary intakes of breath. At around the 30-second mark, there will come a point at which you no longer recognise your own name as the very word that identifies you as Maud Gripswitch, Mustafa Bonaparte, Onya Marx, or whatever your name may be. (I’ve chosen some very common British names for illustrative purposes, so it is purely coincidental if any readers find themselves listed there. I take my GDPR responsibilities very seriously and would never abuse my reader mailing list…unless I had good reason to do so…and providing an illustrative list of common British names is not a good enough reason to flaunt the law.)
I will illustrate the recent acceleration towards peak ludicrousness by referencing two recent enemy propaganda campaigns. I shall call the first one the Play Within the Play, and the second one Satirising Your Own Bullshit.
The play within the play
It would appear that ‘they’ have now exhausted the utility of the Ukraine bloodbath. As far as I can tell, there are no reliable estimates of war casualties, but the EU, UK and US taxpayer has been dutifully fleeced for close to a trillion US dollars. Ukraine has been signed over to the bankers and the US is now laying claim to its mineral wealth. It is now time for the financial vultures to pick at the carcass. But rather than signal the winding down of the war in accordance with standard diplomatic norms, they staged a puerile and sensationally undignified spat in which two stooges, Trump and his VP Vance, took turns to metaphorically launch a pie attack on the third stooge, Zelensky, in a televised ‘meeting’ at the White House.
Oh what fun the actors and audience had while human flesh continued to squelch through the meat grinder in Ukraine. Half the audience, including countless independent media commentators who ought to have known better, roared with approval, while the other half directed spittle-flecked fury at Trump and Vance for threatening to put a stop to their war porn. It was precisely what the stooges had hoped for. The Oval Office drama, written and directed by Divide And Rule Productions, was a rip-roaring success.
Let’s conduct a thought experiment and pretend for a moment that we were duped into believing that the drama staged in the Oval Office was in fact real. Yes it’s difficult, but let’s try. What would an authentic spat imply?
For starters, it would mean that we really have nothing to worry about, because it would be clear that Bastards Inc, the masters of divide and rule, are just as hopelessly disorganised and divided as we are! Let’s break that down a bit more.
The senior partner in NATO is the US. Not a president of the US, but the real US – The Deep State. The guys who wake up in the morning and orchestrate a coup or high-level political assassination in a distant land before they’ve even brushed their teeth and had their first cup of coffee. That US. And to that US, Europe is nothing more than a land mass for its military bases, which number more than 40 across Europe, and which are manned by 84,000 troops.
We are being invited to believe that NATO’s puppet Zelensky, whose toilet visits are scrupulously managed by the CIA, has decided, on his own initiative, to publicly throw dirt in the face of his handlers. Not only that, but you are being invited to believe that the European politicians, whose job is to ensure the smooth provision of services to America’s military bases in the EU and to read NATO briefing bulletins at press conferences, are openly defying the NATO script handed to the current stooge in the White House.
Or maybe it’s the other way around. Perhaps you are being asked to believe that Trump is defying the NATO script, and the Europeans are sheepishly trying to bring him back into line. So either the European or the American stooges have lost their minds…and scripts, and were ad libbing it, and engaging in free association improv performances.
It’s possible. But how likely is this? Well, looking back on the last five years, the entire Western political leadership, including the Pope and the Anglican bishops in Blighty, all sung in unison from the lockdown and build-back-better hymn sheet. The entire Western political leadership, including the Pope and the Anglican bishops, all sung in unison from the get-the-clot-shot hymn sheet. The entire Western political leadership, including the Pope and the Anglican bishops, all sung in unison from the censor-the-antivaxxers hymn sheet. The entire Western political leadership, including the Pope and the Anglican bishops, all sung in unison from the support-Ukrainian-Nazis and denounce-Putin-as-the-new-Hitler hymn sheets. And of course, the entire Western political leadership all sung in unison from the Israel-has-the-right-to-commit-genocide hymn sheets.
Let me qualify the last one. At the very moment the genocide and ethnic cleansing are reaching their final stages, the Pope is hedging his bets by calling for an investigation into whether there actually is a genocide. This genocide – the first ever to be publicly broadcast to the world, and the first in which the perpetrators and accomplices have publicly stated their intentions with pride – is a tricky one. He’s not sure. He thinks “we should investigate carefully to determine whether it fits into the technical definition formulated by jurists and international bodies.” I think this sort of politicking from an alleged spiritual leader is proof positive that the Pope is one of Satan’s many high-ranking diplomats. His underhanded statement confirms that, along with the entire Western political leadership, he too sings from the genocidal hymn sheet.
Despite the pattern of uncanny unity among ‘them’, we are now being invited to believe that the Western political leadership is now at sixes and sevens over Ukraine. That might be true, but if it is, we’d do just as well to join the Normie army and rethink all our paradigms constructed over the past five years or more.
Of course, if the performance put on in the Whitehouse were authentic, sane people would welcome the political will to end the war. But do you think the MAGA cap wearers who gave resounding two-thumbs-up reviews for Trump’s performance are actually anti-war? Not so fast. The Oval Office production team know their target audience well. Despite objecting to continued support for Zelensky, Mila Joy, a MAGA social media influencer with 176.1K followers, is unabashedly not anti-war; she just wants to see the right people dying in a war, the right people being Chinese and Iranians.
First this:
Then this:
A busy anti-war/pro-war day for Mila.
Judging by how the Trump/Vance performance was lapped up, the Establishment must be delighted with its new Zionist-technocrat administration led by the king of distraction, Trump. Aware that James Corbett had compared Trump to Zaphod Beeblebrox, I googled Zaphod Beeblebrox to remind myself of that character in The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. And lo and behold, a suited and smiling Trump appeared in a Reddit forum discussion amid the more colourful images that you’d expect to see in that search result:

The following quote from Douglas Adams, author of The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy and creator of the Beeblebrox character, is referenced in the conversation:
“His [Beeblebrox’s] job is not to wield power but to draw attention away from it. On those criteria Zaphod Beeblebrox is one of the most successful Presidents the Galaxy has ever had”. [emphasis added]
As the Three Stooges exited the Oval Office stage, Trump’s parting words to the Press Corps were, “This is going to be great television, I will say that.”
Need I say more? As the masses got into a froth over Zaphod’s antics in the Oval Office, the Thiel technocracy running the White House is moving faster than an Intel Core Ultra 9 275HX processor to digitalise and Artificially Intelligence anything that moves.
Meanwhile, the MAHA movement, not-so-ably window-dressed by Booby Kennedy, is steadily grinding to its predictable halt. Predictable? Let me just consult my Kennedy tracker to see if the word “predictable” has been fairly used:
On 13th June 2023, I pointed out the contradiction in Kennedy demonstrating fealty to Israel while making daily promises to deliver a fatal blow to the corrupt US political system. I said that Kennedy was destined to run aground on the fundamental contradiction of wanting a peaceful revolution in America while unequivocally supporting Israeli brutality.
On 28th July 2023, I said, “If he has bent the knee to the Israel lobby, he is not a free man and he’s not working for your freedom. Kennedy in my opinion is a wrong ‘un.”
On 20th July 2024, I pointed out that “he’d already shown his true colours long before the pseudo pandemic when he demanded jail time for ‘climate deniers’. That’s right. Booby Kennedy believed in free speech for he but not for thee.”
On 1st November 2024, I said, “RFK Jnr is anti-vax decoration for the campaign. My money is on a quiet RFK sidelining if Trump wins. Either that, or he'll have to stop waxing unlyrical about the vax. He’s not exactly a Braveheart so he’ll do as he’s told.”
During the confirmation hearings he told his inquisitors what they wanted to hear, and on 2nd March 2025 he wrote an opinion piece for Fox News advocating for the MMR vaccine, one of the many vaccines that he has spent years seriously questioning on the Children’s Health Defence website that he founded. And in the same way that he threw Roger Waters under the bus in June 2023, he threw Children’s Health Defence under the bus saying that he had resigned from their board and had “no power over that organization”. So, it’s looking increasingly as though RFK Jnr will be as much of a threat to Big Pharma’s mRNA agenda as he is to a world-class opera singer.
My predictions of his treachery are not particularly clever at all. They aren’t even predictions. They are merely the application of a simple and failsafe rule that applies to Zionists: being a Zionist requires the ability to tell three lies for every one word uttered. Lying is encoded in Zionist ideology in the same way that DNA is the encoded information of life. It is mystifying to me how Zionists might trust each other knowing that lying is their reason for existing.
One last thing about Kennedy that points back to the Oval Office play within the play. If Kennedy wasn’t a liar right from the get-go; if he wasn’t a frothing-at-the-mouth Zionist, but only became one when he was made an offer he couldn’t refuse in June 2023; then what makes you think that ‘they’ would neuter Kennedy but allow Trump to roam the plains freely, doing as he jolly well pleased?
When all is said and done, the play within the play appears to have succeeded, not despite its neon-light display of tomfoolery, but because of it. People, including ‘freedom movement’ veterans, prefer to get swept up in the drama. And I’m hard pressed to find the vocabulary that might do justice to the audacity of its execution.
Let’s turn to the second enemy propaganda campaign that caught my eye recently.
Satirising your own bullshit
Let’s suppose you are ‘they’. And suppose you’d spent decades buying, coercing, cajoling an army of shills to build a formidable propaganda machine to sustain a cult called Catastrophic Man-made Global Warming. All is going to plan. The cult is global and it firmly believes that the planet is on the verge of combusting into a fiery ball of flames as a result of carbon dioxide emitted by human activity and farting cows.
And because you are solutions oriented, you have designed a devilishly complicated scheme that forces all nations, major corporations, and people to engage in the pretence of tallying up all the carbon dioxide they are expending to make sure that human activity does not emit more than what nature can absorb. You call this pseudo-scientific scam ‘Net Zero’, and it will empower you, using carbon markets and financial wizardry, to sequester all of the planet’s land, forests and nature reserves in the name of conserving the planet and saving it from Catastrophic Man-made Global Warming. You will own everything, and the plebs will be happy…and mostly dead.
With fervour, the global cult embraces your plan to mercilessly monitor and curb human activity, even if it entails a massive die-off of humanity. Of course you’re not exactly shining a light on the looming mass die-off, but it’s obvious that this is what the plan entails. Obvious, unless you’re an average cult zombie. The true believers not only understand the dire consequences; they welcome it. You needn’t worry about them. It’s the ones who’d have second thoughts about ‘saving the planet’ if they discovered they were building a gallows for themselves to do it.
If they do start to feel the Net Zero noose gently caressing their necks, tweaking the message a little might help to steady their nerves. You could tell them that the die-off was a natural consequence of suddenly and heroically jerking the planet back to ‘sustainable’ CO2 levels. Better to have a quiet, peaceful, Net Zero die-off than a ferocious die-off in boiling oceans and fires raging across every square inch of the planet.
Why should you be confident that such silliness would work? Because it’s working now! It always has worked. Ask Trump if you don’t believe me. Just remember you’re dealing with a bunch of people who can balance two, three, four, even five contradictory thoughts in their heads and not feel the slightest bit dizzy. This is a cult claiming to save the planet while merrily chopping down 14 million trees in Scotland alone to make way for wind turbines. In order to ‘save the planet’, this cult is prepared to let you profitably mine the oceans for the minerals needed in electric car batteries. Mining the oceans. That’s a lot of mining. Oh joy!
That said, let’s also suppose, for the sake of playing devil’s advocate, that an anti-bullshit movement gains some traction and, through recourse to old-fashioned scientific scepticism, it is exposing your grand scheme. Some of these sceptics are actually positing that the earth may be heading towards the exact opposite of your hot-air bullshittery – global cooling, and a dramatic cooling at that. Now, one can never be too sure about hellishly tricky things like The Climate, but because you know your phantasmagorical warming scheme is a fetid pile of manure, this global cooling scenario is starting to keep you up at night. It would be more than tricky to pull off the grand theft of the entire planet and keep the masses controlled with carbon rationing when you had insisted for nigh on 40 years that CO2 was the main factor in planetary boiling.
If this blasted cooling starts, the satire merchants will have a field day with headlines like: “Could the UK actually get colder with global warming?” Everyone will laugh heartily, the ruse will be up, and you’ll have to spend the next 40 years building a new and even more formidable propaganda machine to pedal an even bigger and better lie. You really hate starting again. What to do?
You satirise your own bullshit before anyone else does, but you dress it up in serious scientific language. Simples. You get your boys and girls at the BBC to publish a piece titled: “Could the UK actually get colder with global warming?” [emphasis added].
The BBC lads, using not even one solitary laughing emoji, can then explain in the opening sentence:
“Of all the possible climate futures, there's a scenario where the United Kingdom and north-west Europe buck the trend of global warming and instead face plunging temperatures and freezing winters.”
Et voila! Once again you will have navigated a precarious situation by getting the cult to perfectly balance two outrageously contradictory propositions in their fragile noggins. With Net Zero policies locked in, should the BBC scenario ever unfold, the plebs will own no heating appliances, and they will be happy. Happy to die, that is. Having read The BBC Science, they will be content in the knowledge that it is entirely plausible to freeze to death in the UK and north-west Europe under a global warming regime. Should they ever doubt that, Aunty Beeb will be there to assure them that, as counter-intuitive as it might seem, it is indeed so. And they will politely die. Yet again, you will have snatched victory from the jaws of defeat.
Now, I was going to say that I refuse to insult my erudite readers by explaining the ludicrousness of that BBC article, but the truth is Comrades, I have run out of vocabulary.
I am therefore proposing to establish a formal committee to oversee the mass production of vocabulary. Our first and urgent task will be to build a Large Language Model to generate the world’s greatest stockpile of impressive words to counter any extreme bullshit propaganda assault that the enemy can muster. If you have the requisite skills to contribute to this project, please submit your CV for consideration. Aluta continua!
The Ukraine war never made sense. They're saying they're running out of men but go on social media and there's plenty of young men still in Ukraine. It's all frakking bullshit.
Oh and remember the pipelines? That was also bullshit. One wasn't destroyed.. But they didn't use it because?????
Also they didn't repair the other 3 which they said could be done in months???
What's the point anyway when the sanctions stopped Europe buying from Russia? Oh wait, Russia was still able to sell gas that they paid Ukraine to transit... Their own enemy!?!
Frakking Orwellian bullshit.
The media magical mystery tour is frankly getting a tad dull now. I can’t even focus anymore. When Zelensky and the orange one did their little ballet I didn’t even have the sound up. I didn’t even want to know the news. Well the news isn’t the news anyway. And hasn’t been for quite some time now. The covid carnival was the big giveaway. But its effect, i.e. to make me realise we had now entered Wonderland, was to make me wonder how long we had already been in Wonderland.
So Mila’s question, “So, what’s your take on it – thrilled, chilled, or ready to riot about it?” strikes me as pathetically deluded. Does she really think anyone is following this?