“Money soiling or reverse money laundering is making clean money dirty – putting clean money, like our taxes, to work in criminal activities and covering any tracks that lead back to the clean money and the perpetrators. At a basic level, this is in fact pretty much what government is – reverse money laundering. Spending billions on track-and-trace, ‘vaccines’ and wars, to name just a few of these activities.” — I wasn't aware of the term. Dirty deeds, done anything-but dirt cheap.

“I am loathe to write begging letters to our WEFminster MPs whose sole job is to toe the party line set by their puppet-masters, and who in any case have about as much courage, integrity and critical thinking skills as lethargic amoeba.” — Andrew Bridgen's treatment in those hallowed halls and chambers would surely be Exhibit A-1 in defense of the rightness of this statement.

“There is no sound scientific basis behind the anthropogenic global warming scare and nor is there any basis for assuming that such a climatic change would be catastrophic. There is no basis for assuming that we can’t adapt to whatever climate change comes our way with reasonable measures that would be nowhere near as catastrophic as the current ‘decarbonisation’ measures being proposed by the millenarian climate cult.” — Brilliantly concise summary, as is the ENTIRETY of your two final paragraphs.

The very concept of FOIA requests has always struck me as odd, if not naive. The notion that any gov would release evidence of its own serious malfeasance (sans-redaction), is not one I find plausible.

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The whole FOIA farce is proof that psychopaths do have a sense of humour - "Wouldn't it be hilarious if we made them think they could get all the information they wanted on request...and then, with each request, watch the system proceed to block, obfuscate, gaslight."

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"This is great because it wastes their time while, we on the other hand, have staff to deal with the requests paid for by the citizens themselves!"

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So , if these contrails/chemtrails are not water vapour, what are they? Air sampling machines should be able to tell us. Where is the evidence?

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Aluminium, barium, strontium, cadmium. Air, water and soil tests have been done in the US and conclusively show these elements (the same materials listed in SRM patents) to be present at dangerously elevated levels. As Dane Wigington points out, the only way freeform aluminium can exist at these levels is if it is mined, refined and sprayed into the atmosphere. To my knowledge, these tests have not been done in the UK. That needs to happen but the UK anti-SRM activist movement is under-resourced. As far as I can tell, it's non-existent. So, the UK evidence is less robust than the US. The UK evidence at the moment is visual. Contrails do not exhibit the characteristics of the chemical streaks we are seeing in the sky for the reasons I stated in the article. But I do concede in the article that the UK needs to get support from scientists who can lead on environmental samples.

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Hard evidence is needed. Send a plane /balloon up to collect it, someone. Otherwise it ain’t convincing IMO.

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Try the magic words: Stratospheric Aerosol Injection (SAI).

You're welcome.

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Try the magic Parts 1 & 2 of this series of articles.

You're welcome.

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Thank you Rusere for writing these articles on Geoengineering. Previously I had only heard of Geoengeneering Watch so it's great that someone has taken it upon themselves to try and alert people in the UK. I've been watching the skies for years now and it seems obvious to me that something dodgy is going on. However when you point it out to people they are incredulous. For instance this past week I've travelled from Devon to London and back in lovely weather and the bastards have been spraying almost everyday. Then suddenly it stopped. We had one day and no fake clouds but try telling people and their eyes glaze over. I think they are in an abusive relationship with the government. The other absurdity is solar panels. Why would you bother when they are dimming the sun? It's all seems like a giant mind f#ck at times.

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Yep agree. It's frustrating how people won't look UP and just rationally observe what is happening. Even for those who are half prepared to entertain the possibility of chemtrails, the question they use to deny reality is: "Why would they do it?" The massive paradigm shift that has yet to be made in answering that question is that they are doing it because they are mad, bad and dangerous, and always have been.

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