The endlessly repeated phrase “The Failure of Multiculturism” is clearly hovering in the wings. The ruling class love this meme because, the moment you accept it, all becomes hopeless. Because the fact is that the world we are living in IS multicultural and became that way almost entirely ...no, I think ENTIRELY, through the white race. Most prominently of course The British.

And everyone knows – or ought to – that this is irreversible. Indeed, I don’t think that even the most rabid xenophobes who shout “Send them home!” are under any illusions that this is feasible – or even meaningful. Or, to be more precise, if they DO have such illusions, it is under the most despicable bad conscience i.e. they are constantly evading the detested underlying awareness that they are talking shit.

And if they back up a little and say, “Oh OK these inferior beings can stay but only if they sit a citizenship test!” then it would be only fair to ask exactly what such a test would require. And at this point we can expect the usual pompous queries: naming kings and queens, quoting Shakespeare, recognising pieces by Elgar and Vaughan Williams etc. At which point we could ask how many white Anglo-Saxon Brits would pass such a test. And consideration of that should tilt us towards the realisation that this “citizenship test” is a purely middle class matter.

So then the demand could be that these “aliens” follow the British law. But that is what we already expect everyone in Britain to follow anyway.

Ah but these “Islamofascists” are culturally inclined to crime since their very DNA is suffused with that murky oriental psyche forever praying to Mecca and addicted to paedophilia.

And so many questions rear up here. Note for example how this fixation on Islam as The Great Evil dovetails with so many customary imperialist memes: the inferior races, the not-quite-human brown folk, the savages who will never learn true civilization etc. Note also the juxtaposition of depraved brown men menacing our white women – that Freudian powder keg previewed in those astonishing photos in the German press that followed the alleged Cologne New Year sexual assaults (white women covered in black hand prints, white thighs with a snaky black arm reaching up and the genitals covered by splayed black fingers etc.)

We could also ask how our wondrously scientific “white” culture culminated in the madness of transgenderism with its gentle steering of children towards castration and mastectomy.

Then there is the other powder keg of the “Muslim grooming gangs” or, if you want to be more impressive, “Muslim rape gangs”. This also leads into another juicy old favourite: the disaster of that liberal lefty fairness that underestimates the savagery of these beasts. Our sense of fair play has made us weak. And, as everyone knows, the only good Indian is a dead Indian. (And note how “fair” means both just and light coloured!)

But what is the truth of these grooming gangs whose image fits so well into this demonology? Are we to believe that there are no white groups indulging in this vileness? Ah but the white groups always get penalised for it! That must be why Messrs Savile, Glitter et al were arrested back in the 70s!

And now we have the matter of white girls (always white girls) being recycled as kebab meat! Isn’t it all so gratifyingly titillating and deliciously hideous?

But here’s a little thought: After 9/11 unveiled the New Enemy of ISLAM, the world reeled in shock ... until a few dots were connected and it became apparent that the wonderfully civilised West CREATED this Muslim menace. Al Qaeda is a sock puppet. And if there are such foreign puppets, is it too much of a stretch to assume that they could have their domestic equivalents i.e. our very own home grown and carefully nurtured “brown demons”.

I think that Saint Simon Elmer wised up to this ... before deciding to blame “those bloody Muslims” anyway!

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Excellent tirade! Thanks

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Solid piece. If I get around to writing a response to your series at some point, I'll have to admit that make a lot of good points.

I'm glad you toned by the snark, by the way.

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Snark is always hard to deal with when it's specifically directed at you!

Long ago I learned from John Cleese that the way to take the bite out of sarcasm is to agree with it.

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Good tip!

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From Bristol anarchist, Stirrings from Below, on seeing Nevermore Media's Great Replacement promos:


"I used to write for Nevermore Media. I can tell you one thing, that sure as heck won’t be happening again!...A degree of polarisation that if not addressed, will further hamper efforts at the grassroots to build the inclusive community solidarity that’s so desperately needed to build the better world that we want. Deliberately contrarian pieces such as the ones where Nevermore extensively quoted Simon Elmer are only going to serve to hamper attempts to build genuine neighbourhood solidarity. I for one have no f**king intention of indulging such contrarianism....Unfortunately, once these ramblings become mainstream, we’re left with no choice but to engage with it, if only to stop the divide and rule merchants from spreading their bile and further dividing our communities."

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Fuck! That's extremely bad news. Thank you for sharing. I'm writing a response right now.

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“Religious ideology, good or bad, is generally not taken at face value by religionists. It gets processed in the most complicated, sometimes-flawed, sometimes-brilliant, meaning-making machine called the human mind. What humans do, or don’t do, with religious ideas depends on their level of consciousness. The religion is (ab)used to advance whatever agendas humans find expedient in the circumstances they end up in.” — Key insight … well said!

Worth repeating: “...if you view the problem in exactly the same way your enemy does, or in the way they want you to, you will end up working with them, not against them.”

“Culture is nothing less than the social manifestation of human thought. Cultural appropriation – the natural exchange of ideas between humans – is as human and inevitable as thought itself because no human being, whether an artist, author, inventor or individual engaging in a hobby, creates anything in complete isolation.” — Spot on!

“As we know, the Satanists running this shit-show are inversion practitioners. They strive to make the good evil, and the evil good. That’s what they’re doing with diversity. They have weaponised something which, when allowed to occur organically in nature and human communities, is a Good Thing. And they have weaponised it by making it forced and synthetic.” — Zing!

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...Religious ideology, good or bad, is generally not taken at face value by religionists. It gets processed in the most complicated, sometimes-flawed, sometimes-brilliant, meaning-making machine called the human mind. What humans do, or don’t do, with religious ideas depends on their level of consciousness...

Well said.

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Very well thought out piece. Inversion is indeed the psycopath's game and it can be difficult to pierce through it as you have here. Kudos!

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