Your rights end where my rights begin I now hold close to me. All during covid this was obliterated and we were treated as farm animals in that none of our human rights were respected instead they were mocked. The covid vaccine frenzy terrified me in that the majority of people were wanting to force it on the minority resisters, their mindset was it will only work if everyone takes it - yes it was truly psychotic. Thank you for this excellent article.

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And even farm animals shouldn't be treated like farm animals. We've got used to that idea far too quickly.

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Excellent piece. The parallels between the Fluoridation and Vaxxination bodily assaults/insults are well drawn.

A few observations...

"It is even more preposterous when we consider that the state is constituted by us, the citizenry, to do our bidding. The state is servant, not master." — Unless this was tongue in cheek, I would suggest the word "purportedly" be inserted before "constituted" and "servant".

"It’s past time that people realised this fundamental law of the universe: public authorities posing as do-gooders are, and always have been, a tried and tested Trojan horse for delivering evil." — Truth!

"In the same way that I had taken for granted that I would never have to justify to anyone why I had chosen not to put a particular substance in my body, we are now being gaslit into believing that mandated vaccination and fluoridation is the natural order of things and that those who reject it are deviants who must be brought to heel." — Keeper!

"If members of the public reading this piece know that fluoride is a toxin, is it rational to assume that your Oxbridge-educated ministers are all clueless? So you have to ask yourself: what on earth is motivating them?" — At the risk of assuming this question was not rhetorical ... same as always I suspect: following orders from above, to further less-than-benign agendas, for which they will be well-rewarded.

"And therefore I think it is understandable and appropriate to lead this discussion now, how we can encourage and potentially think about mandatory vaccination within the European Union. This needs discussion, this needs a common approach, but it is a discussion that I think has to be led." — Ursula fond of Lying ... spoken like a true undiluted Fourth Reichian!

Personally, as accurate as they may be, I try to minimize my use of the words 'fascist” and “fascists”, preferring to use authoritarian(s) or totalitarian(s) if possible, so as not to fall for the left/right trap of excusing one or the other by omission. Call it what you will — the corporatocracy, globocap, the glafia, the criminocracy, the global oligopoly — the bankster forces currently arrayed against humanity, while looking very much like fascism, have and will adopt any “ism's” as disguises. Here's a pair of relevant poems … https://redpillpoems.substack.com/p/pillars and https://redpillpoems.substack.com/p/versus

It is sobering to remember that, unlike the “right”, the “left” was extremely eager for jab mandates and lockdowns ... things people would have unquestionably called “fascist” pre-plandemic. At the height of the hysteria, stateside polls showed that over half of respondents who identified as Democrat voters wanted the unvaxxed sent to camps. The number of respondents who identified as Republican voters who wished for such madness was a small fraction of that.

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Thanks for engaging so thoughtfully...and amusingly. Yes we need a new 'ism' for what's going on. Although it is born of the same impulses that have driven all the previous horrible isms, I was not prepared for its scale and ambition. It is ultimately at root demonism, and any other ism used to describe it is technical and academic. It is and always was a spiritual war.

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"It is and always was a spiritual war." — Could not agree more.

I believe the ism we are currently dealing with is ... global bio-digital technocratic totalitarianism.

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Btw I made the comment below before I read Versus. So Versus was a 'snap' moment.

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Although I can almost intuit it, I'm not familiar with " 'snap' moment" ... qu'est-ce que c'est?

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Instantaneous agreement between two parties before any logical exchange has taken place. So I used the word demonism and then read Versus and saw the references to spirituality and demons. It felt as though I had already agreed with Versus before I had read it.

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