Bail ins should only apply to corporations and trusts.

Most inflation comes from wealthy people and groups investing their money in commodities, housing, etc. It's a parasitic profit that they extract by using cheap loans.

Instead, those priveleged clients get protected.

Also if the fed lends money to banks who lend it to us, all we have to do is eliminate the middle man rentier capitalist banks. Why not lend direct?

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Thanks for gathering and weaving so many threads together.

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Very welcome.

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Perhaps I missed it however I suspected a link between the BIS and the Rothschilds.

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I think that link is a given in light of the fact that central banks are partnerships of banking cartels and the Rothschilds are the most powerful banking family. However, the sources I used for these pieces don't make a direct Rothschild link into the BIS. I'd welcome any links you have that I can squirrel away for future projects.

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It appears that they've been very careful - everything is outsourced so there's no direct involvement even though everything points to it.

Rothschild: The Hidden Sovereign Power Behind BIS https://www.thebernician.net/rothschild-the-hidden-sovereign-power-behind-bis/

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