It's dry stuff, but it's so important to know about. Great work, and I think it really might be time to turn on paid subscriptions?

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Brilliant write up, thanks for sharing

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“The vampire squid is in fact central banking, of which Goldman Sachs, as a key global financial institution, is only one tentacle.” — Exactly!

Key point: “In short, the BIS not only dodged the postwar attempts to shut it down; it went on to provide the financial glue to cement European nations in a political and monetary union, culminating in the birth of a European central bank in its image.”

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Have you seen The Great Taking? It’s all relevant to what you report here. This guy is good explaining what’s coming next after they crash the world economy. They’ve been planning this for decades and are legally insulated when it comes. They seem to be enacting it as we speak.

Thanks for the article.

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Many thanks and thanks for sharing that link.

Great Taking refers to David Rogers Webb's theory? Yes I have seen that. I need to read his book before I start referencing it. Fairly complex stuff.

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