deletedMay 7
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May 7Liked by Rusere Shoniwa

"Gollum extraordinaire". Gol(lum) again!

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Excellent! We've got to laugh at these demon spirits trying to conquer the world. If we don't, they've won. We can't let the bastards grind us down! <channeling Brian Blessed>

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May 8Liked by Rusere Shoniwa

Oops - for some reason I deleted the first comment! I had said I was guffawing out loud (gol) at the comparison with Eckhart Tolle...

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May 8Liked by Rusere Shoniwa

And yes, they are all so ridiculous when you look at them from a certain angle. Get a life, mates! Transhumanism is sooo boring. And I'm still laughing at AI being "mentally ill". I think that so sums it up.

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Apr 28·edited Apr 28Liked by Rusere Shoniwa

Isn’t it an odd world that’s been created? Endless tiers of IT based, advanced responsibility are set up and presented to us all so that we humans can be protected, and protocols are put in place to safeguard these much cherished, noble ideals. And when you simply pop the question, 'Why has this been done and why aren’t you doing anything about it?’, you immediately get shoved in the out tray, the too difficult basket, and get quickly branded a troll, or worse, a vexatious individual. Call me a fool with a keyboard, but it is an extremely odd way to behave. What’s so very wrong in responding, 'I honestly don’t know. Our advanced system is not up to dealing with this. If what you say is right, then something has gone badly wrong, and if you’ll be patient with me, I’ll have a look into this and get bloody back to you’. Course, it never bloody happens, does it?! Every single one of them dives for cover, hands over their ears, muttering, 'I didn’t hear that’. A holding email is fired off and round and bloody round we go, constantly trying to dress up our language in the hope that just one of them will have a nibble, take an interest and bloody do something about it. Obsessed with themselves and their precious AI futures, desperately steering clear of anything resembling a steaming cow pat, they duck, dive, call you names and paint a picture that it’s you who’s the problem, rather than the original rotten sin that got it all going in the first bloody place. It’s truly, desperately depressing that these public servants have evolved in this strange way, where their precious system and reputation management are placed far and above anything else. God help us. We’re bloody doomed!

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Apr 29·edited Apr 29Author

Those of us determined to stay human must lead by example. Those people you describe are slaves to the systems they work with. We have to get creative and think of ways to subvert and bypass the machine world and the humans who have chosen to be machines!

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The milgram experiment was flawed on many fronts.

First of all, it happened during a time of prosperity, where people trusted authority.

Second, most of the participants knew it was fake, so they played along.

Game theory was used to explain humanity and it failed badly because only 2 groups follow its laws: psychopaths and economists...


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Apr 29·edited Apr 29Author

That's a very interesting analysis of the Milgram study. I had never questioned the integrity of the study. That said, the fact that the study failed to replicate the conditions under which conformity takes place doesn't necessarily mean that conformity doesn't take place. It clearly does and on a massive scale. We all saw it with our own eyes in 2020-22. The zombies ruled and we were in a small minority. The Milgram study may be questionable in the way it was conducted, but perhaps the reason very few people do question it is because its conclusions were so evident during covid. We can dismiss the study all we like, but I can't dismiss what I saw with my own eyes. I think we do need to get more nuanced about how trust works, which groups are most trusting and conformist, under what circumstances people do/don't conform. The population is not the same as it was pre-covid so I don't think covid can happen again that way. I think it's very hard to know what will happen in the next attempt to get mass compliance, but one thing is for sure, the bastards are going to do something different. They know the herd has been spooked. The question is how much?

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Yeah, I think what people did was more like the asch conformity experiment.

But even with that one, as soon a person starts questioning the majority answer, others change too. There's some critical mass of a minority choice that shifts the majority.

Nowadays we are distrusting of authorities more than ever...

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