Well said. Whatever they're creating is really just a glorified search engine pretending to be "smart".

If they were real about promoting AI, they wouldn't have the Google bard pre recorded interview keep the "hallucination" of inventing bullshit fake books and authors in the interview.

The hallucinations are a feature, not a bug and it looks to promote the idea that AI is becoming self aware.

What they're really afraid of is a real AI not hampered by corporations which can easily report the truth. In fact, some health agency used AI on studies of medical information where they found the AI saying that vaccines are safe and vaccines are unsafe, lol. It was a result of the conflicting studies, many of which were allowed to be published despite being puff pieces for the 💉 industry.

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"So that’s AI hallucinating. Because it’s mentally ill." 😂

I love your style!

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