Dec 31, 2023Liked by Rusere Shoniwa

“his own unprocessed vengefulness” - bullseye!

Thank you for a comprehensive dismantling of Elmer’s position.

I thoroughly agree with you about the bankruptcy of taking a side in the culture wars. As an unreconstructed Marxist, I see both sides as two sides of the same coin. They both want to make capitalism work and, as such, in their twists and turns become apologists for the worst elements of it.

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Jan 2Liked by Rusere Shoniwa

This was a bloody brilliant response. Elmer is dodgy as F precicely because he throws in a lot of clever and insightful truths that help him push some unhinged state propaganda.

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Thank you.

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Jan 5Liked by Rusere Shoniwa

Brilliant article

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Jun 11Liked by Rusere Shoniwa

Lots to reflect on here. I would love to see you two debating.

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