It's easy to be filled with despair at the amount of people who will just follow orders. But then I try and remind myself of the many people who can't, who are at home hidden away from the world because they can't participate in madness 🌼
Assuming such pilots aren’t simply avaricious idiots they must be prey to a carrot and stick game. Carrot most likely that climate change is much worse than publicly acknowledged and they are tasked with the lonely pursuit of trying to secretly save the planet without causing mass panic. Stick could involve kompromat of many kinds with the controllers assured of their power. This leads to the conclusion the pilots are not necessarily the right players to focus on and to an extent are victims alongside the rest of us. For this crime to occur there has to be a shady nexus of private and government interests at the helm and ultimately it’s this powerful anti-life subversive partnership which demands holding to account. As an afterthought what’s to say pilotless planes haven’t taken over the job, the tech to fly a 747 remotely has been around for at least a generation and would pose much less risk of a human conscience interfering?
All good points. Sending a message to the pilots is predicated on my belief that the most effective resistance to mad schemes happens at the grass-roots level - ordinary people. I include pilots in that, in the same way that the most effective resistance to war is not just from the general population, but also from soldiers who don't see the point in fighting. If no-one follows the orders of the shady nexus, we've won.
The shady nexus has so much power and money, which makes it much harder for a disorganised, uninformed, and gutless majority to fight back. Unless we all take a stand, including those in the front line taking orders, we are always doomed. A directed attack at the shady nexus requires resources. They know that. That's why they do what they do. They are banking on people remaining passive and following orders. We have to break that expectation.
As for pilotless planes, well that's effectively a drone. There's still some schmuck piloting it from a desk with a mouse and computer, right?
The key figure to pinpoint and persuade may not be the pilot but the accountant. If money flows into this project then someone is keeping track of the payments and may have a keener sense of players and motives. How does spraying us with chemicals align with the pillars of fascism - propaganda, fear and profit? Are unrelenting artificial clouds aimed at making us depressed and more susceptible to technocratic agendas? The problem won’t be solved from the inside and needs to be clearly understood from the outside… Where is the profit, what does the spraying actually achieve in measurable terms? January and May last year were apparently the warmest on record in the UK although it didn’t feel like it - does cloud seeding raise night time temperatures by a degree sufficient to manufacture evidence of man made global warming and does this warrant the covert investment to sustain the green industrial complex? Ironic if so, but to get the boots to counter this crime we need a clear sense of the financials.
Yep if we could follow the money, a lot, perhaps all, of those questions could be answered. That's why the government is not doing it directly. That would make the money trail too transparent and susceptible to a whistleblow. That's also why the government is able to deny it. Technically their hands are clean. The money is coming from god knows where and being paid to private contractors who don't have to disclose it. They may even be getting paid offshore, and only bringing enough onshore to pay UK costs.
It should be possible for independent researchers to figure out a plausible ROI on this practice. If the goal is blocking our sunlight then all life is at risk, terrifying, we should expect to see temperatures falling and plants dying off, however with more CO2 in the atmosphere and some evidence for warmer and wetter conditions photosynthesis seems to be increasing. Is it possible we are looking at a propaganda operation to distract from the atmospheric pollution caused by commercial, space and military aviation as a whole? All the classic elements of divide, discredit and distract are plainly present.
These metals are used by a field(s) of towers in Alaska, to manipulate the WEATHER... It's far more far-reaching that most of us would imagine. Our weather is almost entirely controlled now. Ever wonder why the forecasts are so good? Ohh, it's well-planned out, all this Globalist nastiness.
Fascism doesn't matter when everyone and everything is dead. It's DEATH. Via aerosol spraying. NOTHING can benefit from aluminum, nothing in the world.
If the object of the spraying operation is to eliminate all life on our planet then we are witness to an otherworldly evil of demonic or alien nature? If it’s alien an advanced race would surely have faster and more effective ways of eliminating us without the theatrics of slow kill chemtrailing. There appears to be an asymmetry between catching the lies of man made climate change and being convinced the same conniving charlatans have the ability to manipulate the weather and wipe us all out. Is there a parallel with the vaccine scam whereby the real profits are downstream of the initial harm? At least we can still say no to the jab for the most part while the concept of being sprayed is beyond our control making it demoralizing, maddening and infuriating. Can they make it rain in one place whilst avoiding causing drought in another, to manufacture cloud cover does water need to be added to the atmosphere as well as aluminum? Is it easier to make sense of the psychological power of believing our climate is at the beck and will of psychopaths than understanding the finances, physics and goals? Is this a distraction from a myriad of mundane corporate poisoning of our food, water and air which could be more readily identified and addressed with support from a much wider audience?
I wrote a whole big long response, and the gd thing just deleted itself.
I'm going to take a break, maybe later I'll feel like re-writing that. BRIEFLY, the so-called "Black Nobility" who have run the world for maybe thousands, plural, of years, who are behind MOST of the fuckery like the WHO, the WEF, all these Globalist asswipes who want us to "own nothing" and live in 15-minute cities with our brains chipped, neeed to cull the herd, because there are a few thousand of them, a few hundred thousand at most, and there are BILLIONS of us. Okay, sorry, more later maybe.
Maybe we should kidnap the pilots and show them movies of what their SPRAY does to everything, from the land our food is grown on, to the plants, to the animals, the insects, and then to US... toxic heavy metals... in the air, in the soil, in the water... it's ECOCIDE and it's GENOCIDE, it's killing everything. Maybe THAT would make a difference to these guys, eyes wide shut.
Why would we assume these pilots are NOT avaricious? Seems to me pilots make pretty money already, and the people hiring them are surely part of this Agenda to Globally off everybody, and everything... Money opens a LOT of doors, while it closes a LOT of eyes.
'The way to correct interference with nature is to stop interfering with nature.' Amen!
And it's the same with those who put up 5G masts, or send satellites up into the skies, right? Heaven knows what the toxic mix of chemicals plus radiation is doing to us on a level above and beyond just one of them on their own.
Because, and even the "Truthers" have a hard time dealing with this, but the reason for all this is GENOCIDE. The Globalist Cabal that is running all this from behind their curtain, the cowards, is to kill off Humanity, and maybe the Earth, generally, so they can re-start it (they've been saving seeds!) and be GODS. Is that crazy enough for you? They are completely insane, these people. You'd have to be, to want to slaughter nearly 9 billion people, all the critters, even the plants... It's mind-boggling. And maybe I've got wrong info, but that is what I have come to understand over time. They don't LIKE US, they think we're all just "talking cows." Maybe we should fart at them...
Hi Doggy Guy! I don't know if our complete demise is what they are after, as our bodies are quite useful to them, or to whatever is controlling 'them'. Transhumanism only works if there are humans to trans...
And, maybe you don't know, maybe nobody knows, but what they've said they want, and what they've done in the past, is genocide. They enjoy it. Black Nobility, you can find out a lot of good information on that and many other things on "Uncensored," Frances Leader's Substack.
Oh no, have I misgendered you? Eek! Actually, I'm pretty sure it's because I've seen your name on comments on your own Substack, though I may also indeed have made a terrible assumption. And yes, I've read some of Frances' writing on this subject. The person I listen to most though is Oracle Girl.
Great article with so many valid points and I hope the pilots who were confronted by MellowKat see this and consider your questions, especially "To what extent has your judgement been affected by the amount you get paid for each flight?"!
Another substacker, Mr Tardigrade UK, has pointed out that "weather manipulation" (usually by smaller aircraft tracking back and forth over a local area dispersing harmful chemicals and metals intended to cause rain) and larger scale "climate engineering" (known as "Geoengineering" in the US and using trails from larger aircraft) are two different aspects of this subject. He has a website with information that he amassed over a 5 year period investigating climate engineering and believes that all major airlines are involved. His website is a real eye-opener especially this:
My understanding of "cloud seeding" is that it's not particularly poisonous.
But "geo-engineering" is exceedingly poisonous, and so is weather manipulation. Just think about North Carolina (created), think about Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans... all sorts of things that are "natural" disasters that aren't really "natural" at all...
Thanks for this. Will update the article with this powerful video. Uncomfortable to watch as a man, but I agree with her. It's essentially my message but on steroids!
As you know, Alex, I am well aware of the problem of inaction in the UK. I have been trying to raise awareness for quite some time. As you have. Unlike others, I have put my name to my campaigns, such as they are.
The sheer numbers and the sheer length of time it's been going on suggest - at least to me - that the operations are automated and pesky, human pilots do not figure...!
The Nuremberg Defence, I was only following orders, does not wash in English Common Law. If you know you are doing harm or it is brought to your attention that you are doing harm, you are under an obligation to cease. To carry on is unlawful. Everyone has a right to life, liberty, property, to breath freely and drink clean water, to freedom of thought and speech. Everyone is obliged to act in honour and honour contracts whether spoken or written. Everything that is not wrong is a right. But, your rights stop where those of another begin.
No, at least, not unless that's recent. This evil started decades ago... 1940's maybe? And I don't think it was quite so lethal back then, but... after WWII, it seems *everything* got a lot more lethal...
This was my SECOND foray into Shit That's Going On and Is Denied To Be Going On, the first being 9/11. Oh, skeptical about other things before that, but not such BIG things... I took a lot of skeptical shit (pardon ma francaise) from people WAY before Covid was a thing. And now it seems that a LOT more people are aware of this danger, and are wanting it to STOP. This is something that is easily noticed, by MANY MANY people, and easily investigated, as it's been going on for decades. It's what's killing insects (bee hive "colony collapse," my donkey!), killing birds, killing trees, killing people, too, I'm sure...
These pilots are getting PAID to harm. Surely they are making pretty big bucks to do it, or they'd maybe listen to citizens like the lady who confronted this guy in the above story...
What would happen, I wonder, if these pilots started being attacked, physically? What if nobody actually hurt them, but maybe... locked 'em in a room for a few days? I don't know, something to put them off all that nice lolly... ? Because a few states have passed laws about spraying over their territory, but it doesn't do any good, it seems. I've been praying for YEARS, for DECADES, for this to stop. It seems to me NOW is a good a time as any.
It's easy to be filled with despair at the amount of people who will just follow orders. But then I try and remind myself of the many people who can't, who are at home hidden away from the world because they can't participate in madness 🌼
Assuming such pilots aren’t simply avaricious idiots they must be prey to a carrot and stick game. Carrot most likely that climate change is much worse than publicly acknowledged and they are tasked with the lonely pursuit of trying to secretly save the planet without causing mass panic. Stick could involve kompromat of many kinds with the controllers assured of their power. This leads to the conclusion the pilots are not necessarily the right players to focus on and to an extent are victims alongside the rest of us. For this crime to occur there has to be a shady nexus of private and government interests at the helm and ultimately it’s this powerful anti-life subversive partnership which demands holding to account. As an afterthought what’s to say pilotless planes haven’t taken over the job, the tech to fly a 747 remotely has been around for at least a generation and would pose much less risk of a human conscience interfering?
All good points. Sending a message to the pilots is predicated on my belief that the most effective resistance to mad schemes happens at the grass-roots level - ordinary people. I include pilots in that, in the same way that the most effective resistance to war is not just from the general population, but also from soldiers who don't see the point in fighting. If no-one follows the orders of the shady nexus, we've won.
The shady nexus has so much power and money, which makes it much harder for a disorganised, uninformed, and gutless majority to fight back. Unless we all take a stand, including those in the front line taking orders, we are always doomed. A directed attack at the shady nexus requires resources. They know that. That's why they do what they do. They are banking on people remaining passive and following orders. We have to break that expectation.
As for pilotless planes, well that's effectively a drone. There's still some schmuck piloting it from a desk with a mouse and computer, right?
There could also be literal brainwashing. (Hmm, maybe not literal literal, but you know what I mean!). MKUltra style shenanigans.
The truth is often stranger than fiction as they say!
The key figure to pinpoint and persuade may not be the pilot but the accountant. If money flows into this project then someone is keeping track of the payments and may have a keener sense of players and motives. How does spraying us with chemicals align with the pillars of fascism - propaganda, fear and profit? Are unrelenting artificial clouds aimed at making us depressed and more susceptible to technocratic agendas? The problem won’t be solved from the inside and needs to be clearly understood from the outside… Where is the profit, what does the spraying actually achieve in measurable terms? January and May last year were apparently the warmest on record in the UK although it didn’t feel like it - does cloud seeding raise night time temperatures by a degree sufficient to manufacture evidence of man made global warming and does this warrant the covert investment to sustain the green industrial complex? Ironic if so, but to get the boots to counter this crime we need a clear sense of the financials.
Yep if we could follow the money, a lot, perhaps all, of those questions could be answered. That's why the government is not doing it directly. That would make the money trail too transparent and susceptible to a whistleblow. That's also why the government is able to deny it. Technically their hands are clean. The money is coming from god knows where and being paid to private contractors who don't have to disclose it. They may even be getting paid offshore, and only bringing enough onshore to pay UK costs.
It should be possible for independent researchers to figure out a plausible ROI on this practice. If the goal is blocking our sunlight then all life is at risk, terrifying, we should expect to see temperatures falling and plants dying off, however with more CO2 in the atmosphere and some evidence for warmer and wetter conditions photosynthesis seems to be increasing. Is it possible we are looking at a propaganda operation to distract from the atmospheric pollution caused by commercial, space and military aviation as a whole? All the classic elements of divide, discredit and distract are plainly present.
These metals are used by a field(s) of towers in Alaska, to manipulate the WEATHER... It's far more far-reaching that most of us would imagine. Our weather is almost entirely controlled now. Ever wonder why the forecasts are so good? Ohh, it's well-planned out, all this Globalist nastiness.
Fascism doesn't matter when everyone and everything is dead. It's DEATH. Via aerosol spraying. NOTHING can benefit from aluminum, nothing in the world.
If the object of the spraying operation is to eliminate all life on our planet then we are witness to an otherworldly evil of demonic or alien nature? If it’s alien an advanced race would surely have faster and more effective ways of eliminating us without the theatrics of slow kill chemtrailing. There appears to be an asymmetry between catching the lies of man made climate change and being convinced the same conniving charlatans have the ability to manipulate the weather and wipe us all out. Is there a parallel with the vaccine scam whereby the real profits are downstream of the initial harm? At least we can still say no to the jab for the most part while the concept of being sprayed is beyond our control making it demoralizing, maddening and infuriating. Can they make it rain in one place whilst avoiding causing drought in another, to manufacture cloud cover does water need to be added to the atmosphere as well as aluminum? Is it easier to make sense of the psychological power of believing our climate is at the beck and will of psychopaths than understanding the finances, physics and goals? Is this a distraction from a myriad of mundane corporate poisoning of our food, water and air which could be more readily identified and addressed with support from a much wider audience?
I wrote a whole big long response, and the gd thing just deleted itself.
I'm going to take a break, maybe later I'll feel like re-writing that. BRIEFLY, the so-called "Black Nobility" who have run the world for maybe thousands, plural, of years, who are behind MOST of the fuckery like the WHO, the WEF, all these Globalist asswipes who want us to "own nothing" and live in 15-minute cities with our brains chipped, neeed to cull the herd, because there are a few thousand of them, a few hundred thousand at most, and there are BILLIONS of us. Okay, sorry, more later maybe.
Maybe we should kidnap the pilots and show them movies of what their SPRAY does to everything, from the land our food is grown on, to the plants, to the animals, the insects, and then to US... toxic heavy metals... in the air, in the soil, in the water... it's ECOCIDE and it's GENOCIDE, it's killing everything. Maybe THAT would make a difference to these guys, eyes wide shut.
Why would we assume these pilots are NOT avaricious? Seems to me pilots make pretty money already, and the people hiring them are surely part of this Agenda to Globally off everybody, and everything... Money opens a LOT of doors, while it closes a LOT of eyes.
'The way to correct interference with nature is to stop interfering with nature.' Amen!
And it's the same with those who put up 5G masts, or send satellites up into the skies, right? Heaven knows what the toxic mix of chemicals plus radiation is doing to us on a level above and beyond just one of them on their own.
Because, and even the "Truthers" have a hard time dealing with this, but the reason for all this is GENOCIDE. The Globalist Cabal that is running all this from behind their curtain, the cowards, is to kill off Humanity, and maybe the Earth, generally, so they can re-start it (they've been saving seeds!) and be GODS. Is that crazy enough for you? They are completely insane, these people. You'd have to be, to want to slaughter nearly 9 billion people, all the critters, even the plants... It's mind-boggling. And maybe I've got wrong info, but that is what I have come to understand over time. They don't LIKE US, they think we're all just "talking cows." Maybe we should fart at them...
Hi Doggy Guy! I don't know if our complete demise is what they are after, as our bodies are quite useful to them, or to whatever is controlling 'them'. Transhumanism only works if there are humans to trans...
Why assume I'm a guy?
And, maybe you don't know, maybe nobody knows, but what they've said they want, and what they've done in the past, is genocide. They enjoy it. Black Nobility, you can find out a lot of good information on that and many other things on "Uncensored," Frances Leader's Substack.
Oh no, have I misgendered you? Eek! Actually, I'm pretty sure it's because I've seen your name on comments on your own Substack, though I may also indeed have made a terrible assumption. And yes, I've read some of Frances' writing on this subject. The person I listen to most though is Oracle Girl.
LOL I donut mind. We are not sniffable online. ;) ha harf!
Why do we have a civil aviation and health system that thinks it's a good idea to spray shit on us?
Turn key utopia.
The machine works, just turn the key from dystopia to utopia.
Good buzz phrase - turn key utopia!
Great article with so many valid points and I hope the pilots who were confronted by MellowKat see this and consider your questions, especially "To what extent has your judgement been affected by the amount you get paid for each flight?"!
Another substacker, Mr Tardigrade UK, has pointed out that "weather manipulation" (usually by smaller aircraft tracking back and forth over a local area dispersing harmful chemicals and metals intended to cause rain) and larger scale "climate engineering" (known as "Geoengineering" in the US and using trails from larger aircraft) are two different aspects of this subject. He has a website with information that he amassed over a 5 year period investigating climate engineering and believes that all major airlines are involved. His website is a real eye-opener especially this:
Many thanks Jake!
My understanding of "cloud seeding" is that it's not particularly poisonous.
But "geo-engineering" is exceedingly poisonous, and so is weather manipulation. Just think about North Carolina (created), think about Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans... all sorts of things that are "natural" disasters that aren't really "natural" at all...
Yes, to avoid doubt let me edit “cloud seeding” to read “weather manipulation”. (Although I guess it depends what chemicals are used and when the authorities give assurances that silver iodide is safe in small quantities I don’t trust them!)
I don't either. Cheers, Jake.
This video from a Florida-based YouTuber has a pertinent commentary on MellowKat's confrontation of the pilot:
Thanks for this. Will update the article with this powerful video. Uncomfortable to watch as a man, but I agree with her. It's essentially my message but on steroids!
The problem of inaction is particularly severe in the UK. You might also be interested in this video:
As you know, Alex, I am well aware of the problem of inaction in the UK. I have been trying to raise awareness for quite some time. As you have. Unlike others, I have put my name to my campaigns, such as they are.
The sheer numbers and the sheer length of time it's been going on suggest - at least to me - that the operations are automated and pesky, human pilots do not figure...!
The Nuremberg Defence, I was only following orders, does not wash in English Common Law. If you know you are doing harm or it is brought to your attention that you are doing harm, you are under an obligation to cease. To carry on is unlawful. Everyone has a right to life, liberty, property, to breath freely and drink clean water, to freedom of thought and speech. Everyone is obliged to act in honour and honour contracts whether spoken or written. Everything that is not wrong is a right. But, your rights stop where those of another begin.
Amen. I'll add that as an update to the piece as it chimes powerfully with the overall message.
Yes. Well said. And Common Law, Constitutional Law, and even more overarching, NATURAL LAW.
Thank you for this beautiful compilation.
❤️ a friend shared with me.
Thank you for confronting the pilot. Let's hope your courage is contagious.
You are a HERO!!!! Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Was it funded by USAID ?
No, at least, not unless that's recent. This evil started decades ago... 1940's maybe? And I don't think it was quite so lethal back then, but... after WWII, it seems *everything* got a lot more lethal...
This was my SECOND foray into Shit That's Going On and Is Denied To Be Going On, the first being 9/11. Oh, skeptical about other things before that, but not such BIG things... I took a lot of skeptical shit (pardon ma francaise) from people WAY before Covid was a thing. And now it seems that a LOT more people are aware of this danger, and are wanting it to STOP. This is something that is easily noticed, by MANY MANY people, and easily investigated, as it's been going on for decades. It's what's killing insects (bee hive "colony collapse," my donkey!), killing birds, killing trees, killing people, too, I'm sure...
These pilots are getting PAID to harm. Surely they are making pretty big bucks to do it, or they'd maybe listen to citizens like the lady who confronted this guy in the above story...
What would happen, I wonder, if these pilots started being attacked, physically? What if nobody actually hurt them, but maybe... locked 'em in a room for a few days? I don't know, something to put them off all that nice lolly... ? Because a few states have passed laws about spraying over their territory, but it doesn't do any good, it seems. I've been praying for YEARS, for DECADES, for this to stop. It seems to me NOW is a good a time as any.
Shoot a few of those motherfuckers down and see how they like it