I largely concur

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Sadly, ain't a whole lot (if anything) to disagree with. No heroes. No one riding to the rescue. Only fuckery as far as the eye can see ... and beyond.

Great piece. Spot-on analysis. Glitch in the matrix indeed!

“...or to deliberately condition us to accept that nothing is real – that nothing you see can be trusted.” — If I was forced to lean in a certain direction, odds are, this would be the one.

Priceless: “...one of which was used by the shooter, that the secret service snipers had a clear view of but which seemed better policed by concerned members of the public than by the police.”

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I appreciate the vast scope of your inquiry. You're asking all the right questions. I'm struggling, however, when it comes to fully buying into your analysis. Glenn Greenwald did a show "GOP War Hawks, Corporatists Revolt Against JD Vance" that came to a very different conclusion that I will admit made me happy (because it was aligned with my lefty inclinations). I could even consider voting for Trump because of it (which would be wildly different from my past choices: Nader, Stein and Gloria LaRiva).


Glenn's diametrically opposite interpretation places Trump as the enemy of the System. I can't square that with your analysis, if I'm understanding you correctly.

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For a breakdown of who Vance actually is and who are the billionaire criminals that fund him and groomed him for years for this moment, see here https://miri.substack.com/p/america-the-movie-screenplay-by-jd?

And especially here https://unlimitedhangout.com/2024/07/investigative-reports/the-man-behind-trumps-vp-pick-its-worse-than-you-think/

And here https://youtu.be/sGySygy0LWs?si=n6u28vsLzazo_gdS

The only reason that ultra-zionists trump and vance want to move the attack resources from being directed at russia is becasue they want all US weapon-power and focus to be concentrated on their coming attack on china and iran (which will happen shortly after trump and his zionist billionaires enter the white house in 2025) and to provide the israeli ruling class with the dollars and weapons to "finish the job" of erasing the local people in palestine to make way for "the chosen people" (who, according to vance, who were apparentlly given the "divine right" by their fake nationalist "god" to eliminate the locals and take over their "promised land"). To call these vile ultra-zionist republican murderers "doves" and "anti-war" (as the Qanon/MAGA conservatives are being repeatedly told in their echo-chambers) is a sad cruel joke.

PS. Another reason conservatives want to move the attack resources from russia into the attack on china, iran and palestinians is becasue (unlike the ones that the zionist-conservatoves usually target) russia is christian and white, meaning, superior in value to non-christians/jews and non-whites...don't forget tne zionost-conservstive maxim (that billionaire groomed and funded vamce is a strong adherent of), christians should not attack christian or jews but only the "evil non-christian/jews"

And of course don't forget trump's attack and assasination of Iran's top military general Suleimani (equivalent to assasinating the american head of the Joint Chiefs of Staff) while Suleimani was on his way for talks about fighting ISIS (yet another one of the zionists and NeoCon's creations).

The zionist-inspired profoundly stupid assasination by trump on the iranian general Sulimani (during trump's first presideny) is one of the clearest indications that psychologically-undeveloped trump and the psychopathic NeoConservative zionist warmongers that he surrounded himself with, will have no qualms whatsoever about attacking iran and china once trump and his deep-state israelis are back in the white house in 2025.

It's not for nothing that genocidal supremacist child-abuser & torturer Netanyahu hailed trump as the greatest zionist president in history,.

Trump and mike pompeo, the CIA's deep state coup expert and compulsive liar and deceiver, which trump made into his Secretary of State, both of these idiots together lied through their teeth and manufactured a fake pretext to launch the brazen, profoundly destructive assasination.

ConMan trump deliberately fabricated what he claimed was a "self-defense" rationale for the assassination (which was the most severe instance of direct state-on-state warfare attack by the american zionist ruling class on Iran since the "revolution" of 1979, and a hint on what's to come once trump and the israeli billionaires are back in the white house).

Trump and the NeoConservative zionist war-profiteers and regime change fanatics, with which he filled his administration, actually tried to invoke the 2002 AUMF in Iraq -- yes, the Iraq War resolution that Joe Biden infamously voted for -- as justification for the soleimani assasination. ConMan trump and his war-profiteering zionist handlers lied through his teeth and claimed there was an "imminent survival threat" to the US, parroting the language that the Bush Administration's used to sell the Iraq invasion to heavily-propagandized & deceived conservatives. ConMan liar trump, his CIA appointees and his genocidal zionist billionaire pals even absurdly claimed that part of the rationale for the assassination was that Iran had provided support to the 9/11 hijackers, 20 years previously. No argument was too preposterous for these greedy blood-thirsty anti-life billionaire deceivers (and this lie by anti-humanity trump and his blood-thirsty NeoConservative Zionist murderers is especially sinister cynical immoral and monstrous becasue it was actually these right-wing NeoConservative zionists themselves who were behind 9/11, as shown in numerous places, for example here https://www.unz.com/article/911-was-an-israeli-job and here https://www.veteranstodayarchives.com/2011/06/27/demystifying-911-israel-tactics-mistake/

Trump's assasination of one of the most prominent figures in Iranian society effectively destroyed any prospect of future diplomatic engagement (which is precisely what the NeoCon murderers were aiming for. A constant state of nationalist-religious division, animosity and violence is precisely what these abusers thriveon). Millions in Iran flooded the streets in protest in a clear shift to the right in iranian society as a result of trump's attack (while strengthening the popularity of the conservative-religious abusers in iran's rabidly right-wing government, as a direct result of trump's attack), The Iraqi parliament demanded the immediate expulsion of all occupying US troops from the country, but rather than take this grand opportunity to finally extricate tbe occupying US forces, Trump (who before the elections promised he would withdraw the troops and who was supposed to be 'anti-war president' according to his heavily-propagandized conservative cult followers) refused to take this major opportunity to remove the occupying forces, but instead did the EXACT OPPOSITE of what he said before the elections that he would do and kept the occupying soldiers there and even sent some more (but don't forget what we taught you in tbe conservative echo-chamber - he's a 'president of peace' who is opposed to the zionist war profiteers, because he really really cares about the little guy and came to help free us from the deep state. Sure he does).

As a direct result of infantile trump's actions, reprisal attacks were launched against US troops (who are used as cannon fodder by the Godless right-wing corporate-capitalist ruling class), with 73 soldiers receiving Purple Hearts for the traumatic brain injuries they endured from the retaliatory missile strikes after trump's attack on iran. I'm sure these traumatised-for-life soldiers thank god that we had anti-life pro-empire Godless right-wing corporate-capitalist trump at the helm as 'president of peace' who came to 'help the little guy fight the elite'. They sure did sacrifice their life for a worthy cause, so that right-wing conservative trump and his corporate-capitalist ruling class can steal resources, enrich themselves, terrorize & dominate humanity (ooops, i meant to say, they did it in order to "make america great again" and "bring liberty and prosperity to humanity", of course) Trump loaded up his administration with the global capitalist empire's regime change murderers like the CIA's Pompeo, John Bolton, Elliot Abrams, Nikki Haley, among many others. Trump obeyed the fanatically "Israel-first" prerogatives of his chief financial zionist patron Sheldon Adelson, and was heralded by mass-murderer child-abuser supremacist Netanyahu for carrying out the most hardcore pro-zionist policy agenda of any President in US history, dorecting massive amounts of US resources and taxpayers money to give the zionist billionaire ruling class everything they need to eliminate and erase the local people in palestine (who are obviously inferior in value to those who had the label 'jew' placed upon them at birth) These stupid life-destroying actions carried out by infantile trump were all part of a larger strategic policy favored by supremacist torturer and abuser Netanyahu and the fanatically Israel-first GOP establishment. Trump essentially handed over control of his administration to Netanyahu, to Netanyahu's closest childhood friend Kushner (trump's son-in-law) and to the fanatically Israel-first GOP establishment (including CIA and Mossad operatives).

And as with almost all other issues, there's been almost seemless continuity between the Trump and Biden administrations. The cratering of US-Iran relations, initiated by trump and his deep-state zionist handlers, continued seemlessly by the right-wing corporate-capitalist Biden admin, and continues to this day. Vile murdrer trump still brags about how much death and pointless suffering his "crippling starvation sanctions" inflicted on ordinary Iranian citizens (with an estimated 115,000 children dying as a direct and indirect result of trump's starvation policies and stranglehold, and additionally an estimated 8.5 million ordinary citizens were "severly and possibly irreveresibly traumatised and crippled" by trump's starvation policies.   Needless to say, the vile right-wing religious-conservative ruling class in Iran was unaffected. Trump's Godless policies caused death and unspeakable suffering exclusively to the poorest in society. He still brags about it to this day.. This is the abusive anti-christ pro-billionaire pro-MIC pro-ruling class humanity-destroying right-wing zionist mass-murderer that conservatives have been brainwashed by the billionaires' propagandists to view as the 'anti-war peace president'

On the one hand, deceived MAGA fools will brag about how anti-war they claim trump is, but on the other, they'll brag about how awesome it was that he assassinated Iran's top military official and deliberately destroyed any possibility of stability and non-violent interaction in the region and made world war all the more likely (a hateful religiously-divided warring reality which the right-wing corporate-capitalist ruling class thrives on). This pro-trump argument by his brainwashed conservative followers is schizophrenic and idiotic in the extreme, but that's nothing new for unintelligent deceived conservatives.

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I've been listening to Glenn since forever but, with every show he produces, he becomes increasingly irrelevant because he refuses to embrace new paradigms demanded by events of the past four years (and in fact well prior). He has an overly disciplined and naive approach to theorising which is basically that if there is no written confession or hard documentary evidence, then it didn't happen.

While he acknowledges corporate influence in politics, he steadfastedly believes that politicians are acting within the party political paradigm. So he's big into red/blue culture motives and views things through that lens. In both US and wider geopolitics he refuses to engage with the possibility that the Owners and Controllers of Global Financial Capital are also a political force. So he's trapped in Great Power politics and loves Mearsheimer et al. His heart's in the right place but he's incredibly naive.

So I now rely on him for facts, not for astute analysis. That said, I will watch that video you linked to see if it should change my perspective. I'll revert if I think it has merit. Ultimately, I'm not saying I have the keys to the Truth. No-one, including me, should fully buy into my analysis! Thanks

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Greenwald was pro jab too.

You would think a journalist that questioned the ptb would not have jumped on that bandwagon of lies.

Same with Assange and his team who also went along with the covid official narrative.

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Scott Ritter did a video in which he opines that the Deep State tried to take Trump out. If true, that would falsify your hypothesis.


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Here's additional support for Trump as enemy of the globalists from the Duran:


The question of who Trump actually works for is absolutely vital. I'm glad you posed it so clearly, encouraging the accumulation of evidence.

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1000% agree

I was telling my husband that this is a deep state stage production designed to pacify and nudge the American people who mostly are unhappy with democrats now. The price for The System throwing its weight behind Trump is his undying loyalty.

The thing that really clinched it for me was the corny photo of the bullet headed towards Trump’s head. Why?? If The System is going to these lengths to “prove” there was indeed a bullet, makes me think that there never was a bullet.

A close second for the corny award is the ear bandage that looks unbelievably suspended from the side of his head - or possibly from his toupee

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Excellent breakdown. And quite a few poignant sentences that beautifully capture where we're at in a nutshell -

"..That [ludicrous clownish] account on the platform formerly known as Twitter claims to offer “Unfiltered Unbiased Verified 24x7 Breaking News” and has 1.5m followers. Let that sink in..."


"Trump’s record on the issues that could bring him into conflict with The System demonstrates that he is as much of a threat to it as RFK Jnr is to a world-class opera singer"


"Why hasn’t Trump lost any of his support base despite being at odds with them on the biggest earthquake to hit the American economy and civil liberties in a century? Because no-one else has demonstrated the ability to replace him as an effective lightning rod for white working class rage directed at the liberal professional managerial class. And so he gets a free pass on all of the covid tyranny that he endorsed. The white working class has chosen a pro-system billionaire who hasn’t worked a day in his life, to lead the charge in the American class war. Well may you scratch your head in confusion and disbelief"

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