Apr 17·edited Apr 17Liked by Rusere Shoniwa

Long covid could very well have came from the previous flu shots which are mostly taken by seniors. That explains why the first "wave" mostly hit on average around life expectancy.

Add to that toxic remdesevir and ventilation... If you survive, you got "long covid" and the vaccines also do it.. But

It's even more bullshit when they blame spike protein for what they knew the lipids did!

The lipids clog shit up because they don't break down. Cell death happens, clots happen. Spike is the result of cell death not the cause!

They used this tech because it failed badly and is useful for their plans which bit them in the ass (low uptake of boosters and few are getting the new "mRNA" shots)

From 2017, 3 years BEFORE covid.

"For Moderna, that meant putting its Crigler-Najjar therapy in nanoparticles made of lipids. And for its chemists, those nanoparticles created a daunting challenge: Dose too little, and you don’t get enough enzyme to affect the disease; dose too much, and the drug is too toxic for patients."


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Apr 19Liked by Rusere Shoniwa

Outstanding article. Brilliant in every way. Many thanks.

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Thanks Steve

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Apr 27·edited Apr 28Liked by Rusere Shoniwa

Superb article Rusere. I loved this:

“The fascist lockdowns and forced medical experimentation were fun for only the mindless professional managerial class in the West, whose lives were so devoid of meaning and whose heads so emptied by endless PowerPoint presentations about the essence of nothing, that lockdowns and being whipped to get an injection actually turned them on. The rest of humanity are not so sick, and they will not be falling for another ‘pandemic’ that easily.”

The pity of it is that most of them do not know what they have done and will accept the next plandemic with the same gormless credulity they swallowed the last one.

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I fear you are right Chris. The plus side is that they're in the minority. The minus side is that they manage systems of power. We shall see.

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May 12Liked by Rusere Shoniwa

"The fascist lockdowns and forced medical experimentation were fun for only the mindless professional managerial class in the West, whose lives were so devoid of meaning and whose heads so emptied by endless PowerPoint presentations about the essence of nothing, that lockdowns and being whipped to get an injection actually turned them on." — Love it!

"Do I really need to tell you that there is no way that any drug, let alone a ‘vaccine’, can be properly tested for safety and efficacy in under 100 days?" — I was under the impression that NO 'vaccine' has ever been properly tested for safety and efficacy, because placebos (saline) are never used in the control group ... only OTHER 'vaccines'. Do you know if this is the case?

"The main problem with this order-following idiocy is that, at some unconscious level, the order-followers know they’re being ridiculous and dangerous. So they do their level best to force everyone else to join in, because it’s a lot more fun and far less embarrassing to be ridiculous and dangerous in a huge group than on your own." — Indeed, like misery, idiocy loves company.

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Correct about the way 'vaccines' are tested. The control group is given another 'vaccine'.

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May 13Liked by Rusere Shoniwa

Thanks for the reply.

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